
ZIMSTAT Zimbabwe – Invitation for a Consultancy

ZIMSTAT ZIMBABWE: Invitation for a consultancy to develop the 2012 Zimbabwe Master Sample (ZIMS12) (1 August 2013 to 30 September 2013) The Government of Zimbabwe, through the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT),...
June 3, 2013
ZIMSTAT Zimbabwe – Invitation for a Consultancy

ZIMSTAT ZIMBABWE: Invitation for a consultancy to develop the 2012 Zimbabwe Master Sample (ZIMS12)
(1 August 2013 to 30 September 2013)

The Government of Zimbabwe, through the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT),
successfully conducted the 2012 Zimbabwe Population Census (ZPC) in August 2012, which was
the fourth since Independence. Historically, and in line with internationally recognized statistical
standards and guidelines, ZIMSTAT has always updated the master sampling frame after each
population census to cater for its continuing inter-censal integrated national household surveys
programme. That is, all subsequent statistical inquiries would use this new master sampling frame.
The current master sampling frame, which was designed after the 2002 population census is now
out-dated and therefore needs to be revisited.

ZIMSTAT , in collaboration and with support from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA),
is seeking the services of a consultant to assist with the design and development of the new
Zimbabwe Master Sample (ZIMS12). The overall purpose of this consultancy is to strengthen the
capacity of the sampling statisticians at ZIMSTAT in the design and development of master samples
through a hands-on approach during the construction of ZIMS12. The consultant is expected to
provide guidance and training to the sampling statisticians as well as to advise ZIMSTAT on
sampling design issues.
The consultant must have an advanced university degree (Master’s degree or PhD) in statistics,
mathematics, economics or other related field with 8-10 years of relevant and proven professional
experience in sampling methodologies and the construction of master sampling frames. He or she
must also have demonstrated proficiency in sampling and census data processing software systems,
particularly SAS. Experience in census undertaking and/or large-scale household surveys, preferably
in sub-Saharan Africa and knowledge of and experience with other data processing software systems
such as SPSS, STATA, SUDAN, ISSA, WESVAR and CENVAR would be an added advantage.

The consultancy is scheduled to run from 1 August 2013 to 30 September 2013.

Terms of reference for the consultancy can be collected from the Zimbabwe National Statistics
Agency, Population Census Office Reception, Makombe Complex Building, Harare, or requested by
e-mail from Aluwisio Mukavhi (amukavhi@zimstat.co.zw) or Grace Chaora
(shoraigracechaora@gmail.com) or Piason Mlambo (mlambo@unfpa.org). The closing date for
submission of applications is Friday, 7 June 2013 at 1200 hours. Hard copy submissions should be
addressed to the Country Representative, UNFPA Country Office, Block 7, 1st Floor, Arundel
Office Park, Norfolk Road, Mt. Pleasant, Box 4775, Harare, and should clearly be marked

How to Apply

“Application for a consultancy to develop the Zimbabwe Master Sample (ZIMS12)”. Electronic submissions
should be made to mailzwe@unfpa.org. Bidders shall not receive responses to questions sent to
mailzwe@unfpa.org since it is a secure mailbox. The application/submission should contain both a
financial and technical proposal.

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