
Zimbabwe Jobs: Capacity Development Manager/M&E Support, TRACE, Zimbabwe

Job Vacancy as Capacity Development Officer/M&E Support at TRACE Organisation: Zimbabwe Transparency, Responsiveness, Accountability and Citizen Engagement (TRACE) Fund, Job Title: Capacity Development Manager/M&E Support Location: Sub-Saharan Africa Location: Zimbabwe...
November 15, 2016

Job Vacancy as Capacity Development Officer/M&E Support at TRACE

Organisation: Zimbabwe Transparency, Responsiveness, Accountability and Citizen Engagement (TRACE) Fund,

Job Title: Capacity Development Manager/M&E Support

Location: Sub-Saharan Africa

Location: Zimbabwe

Job Code: 2862




The Department for International Development (DFID) Zimbabwe and the Royal Danish Embassy Office are pooling funds for a grant making facility for civil society in Zimbabwe. TRACE will provide grants to organisations in an effort to enhance state accountability and transparency, and preserve democratic space, building on the new constitution.  It will seek to empower Zimbabwe’s citizens to hold the state to account for its use of resources and its respect for human rights and democratic principles. 

TRACE will take careful account of the political context in Zimbabwe through Political Economy Assessments to identify issues and themes of common concern where communication channels can be opened with government to foster greater accountability and responsiveness. Where channels remain closed TRACE will seek to fund civil society organisations that are working to maintain and grow democratic space.


The specific areas in which TRACE will engage through provision of grants to CSOs over 4 years commencing in mid-2015 are as follows:

  • Increased citizen access to quality independent media, research and information
  • Effective civil society monitoring and advocacy for improvements to the electoral cycle
  • Protection and promotion of equality and human rights by civil society and communities
  • Access to justice for vulnerable and marginalised groups
  • Effective citizen demand for improved service delivery and transparent use of public and natural resources
  • Creation of local/ national coalitions around issues of public interest
  • Increased coordination and capacity by civil society to hold the state accountable for use of resources


  1. Capacity Development  and M&E

TRACE considers Capacity the Development and Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning roles as key, integrated components in supporting civil society and other organisations to effectively facilitate the interface between citizens, and duty bearers and power holders in and outside government. Capacity  development is closely linked to M&E  through the engagement with grantee partners, thematic advisors and expert input  and in the assessment of the impact of these interventions on performance, delivery  and learning. The Capacity Development Manager / M&E Support  will be responsible for managing the TRACE Capacity Development Strategy and for supporting the M&E component especially with regards to ongoing engagement with and oversight of grantees. He/she will support potential and existing partner organisations acquire, develop and strengthen skills, knowledge, tools, processes and structures that are necessary for the achievement of internal organizational goals and programming results and  will support the ME&L functions  especially at the field  level and in the assessment and preparation of reporting. Programme Duration


TRACE is a four year, four month programme commencing February 23rd 2015 and concludes at the end of June 2019. TRACE has a three month inception period ending on 23rd May 2015 at which point DFID will need to approve the move to Implementation.


  1. Duties and Responsibilities

The Capacity Development Manager/M&E Support  reports through the Deputy Team Leader /Programmatic Lead.

The Capacity Development Manager/M&E Support  is the focal person for capacity development interventions for TRACE and will be responsible for the management and coordination of capacity development support to partner organizations. H/She will also support the ME&L functions  especially at the field  level and in the assessment and preparation of reporting.

Under the general supervision of the Deputy Team Leader/Programmatic Lead the Capacity Development Manager will:


  • Prepare and update the consolidated capacity development Strategy for TRACE;
  • Support  the  due diligence exercises of partner organisations by developing the capacity building aspects of the due diligence reports with respect to programmatic capacity needs;
  • Manage the capacity development portfolio of TRACE from a programmatic  and individual grantee perspective and particularly   the identification and management of targeted, specialist  capacity development interventions either through TRACE directly or through identified expert advisors (mentors, academics,  institutions, for example) at a programmatic  (overall) and individual grantee level that address gaps and needs;
  • Develop  TRACE capacity and assessment and reporting tools that capture structural, management and programming measures;
  • Manage and facilitate capacity assessments of partner organisations to jointly identify capacity gaps and needs that are reflected in  capacity development support plans; Including their costing,   as well as non-budgetary strategies for implementation.
  • Under the guidance of the TL and  DTL/Programmatic Lead, initiate ideas and  advise on capacity development interventions to be sourced from the capacity development budget line including development of capacity action plan budgets;
  • Liaise with the Finance and Operations Manager on ascertaining budgetary advice on proposed interventions;
  • Manage operationalisation of capacity development work plans and related implementation schedules;
  • Provide on-going oversight of capacity performance against overall TRACE objectives;
  • Provide comprehensive capacity development quarterly reporting for the TRACE Quarterly Reports;
  • Manage capacity development service providers for the implementation of the Capacity Action Plans and other capacity development support needs of partner organisations;
  • Consolidate and further develop the existing database of capacity development service providers in collaboration with other components of TRACE;
  • Ensure budgetary implications including VfM aspects  for such interventions are cleared and approved;
  • Remain appraised of and apply best practice approaches  in capacity development and ensure grantees are applying these principles;
  • Manage,  coordinate and  implement  the mentorship approach to capacity development, providing a link between mentors and partner organisations;
  • In liaison with the ME&L Manager, help develop training and presentation modules on TRACE’s M&E and Capacity Development approaches; undertake wider monitoring and evaluation of capacity development support to partner organizations;; provide ongoing mentoring to grantees on the programme tools used by TRACE in ME&L and Capacity Development; provide oversight through field  and other engagement  of the utilisation of these tools and with compliance with delivery schedules and activity plans; work with the  M&E Manager on review meetings with grantees
  • In partnership with the  Knowledge Management and Communications component of TRACE, develop learning materials and resources for wider dissemination to the civil society sector support the production of lessons learned, case studies and other documentation as part of documenting results;
  • Contribute to the Grantee and CEO forums
  • Monitor and review the effectiveness and impact of capacity development support on the civil society sector in Zimbabwe, in collaboration with the M&E Manager and independent M&E providers.

The Capacity Development Manager will also:

  • Maintain TAMIS and other capacity development and relevant records as appropriate;
  • Through the quarterly and  other reporting processes, provide advice to the Donor Steering Committee  on grants management delivery and performance of Basket and overall TRACE grantees;
  • Provide other support to the DAI team effort as requested by Programme Manager;
  • Participate in Donor  quarterly meetings and  other meetings as required;
  • Contribute to efforts in meeting donor reporting requirements as well as reporting to DAI Europe home office;
  • Carry out any other duties commensurate with the requirements of the post.


Closing date for applicants: 20th November





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