Employment in the Central African Republic
Reference: 5706-14N12117
Location: Africa – Central African Republic
Town/City: Bangui Capital RCA
Application Deadline Date: 31-Jan-17
Category: Food Security & Livelihood
Type: Fixed term, Full-time
International Role: Yes
Duration: Less Than 1 Yea
The purpose of this position is to Co-Lead the Cluster of Livelihood and Community Stabilization and to well position World Vision Response in Central African Republic as champion in Livelihood and Economic Development.
Establishment and Maintenance of effective Coordination Mechanisms:
- Ensure appropriate coordination with national authorities to the extent the political situation allows. This will involve liaising and working with relevant government counterparts to support or complement existing coordination mechanisms, where they exist.
- Represent the cluster at sectoral meetings led by national authorities or co-chair cluster meetings with national authorities as appropriate.
- Identify and establish contact with all other relevant sector stakeholders including national and international organizations, and representatives of affected populations. Invite these stakeholders to participate as partners in the work of the cluster as appropriate.
- Convene and facilitate meetings of the cluster (and/or joint meetings with another cluster), increasing or reducing their frequency as needed but being careful to avoid meeting overload.
- Ensure that cluster meetings are well-managed and action and results-oriented, with decisions clearly communicated to relevant cluster partners and stakeholders.
- Facilitate agreement on an efficient division of labor and the assignment of responsibilities amongst cluster partners which takes account of their comparative advantages and complementarities.
- Designate focal points or working groups for specific issues where necessary.
- Support OCHA to establish and maintain appropriate inter-cluster coordination mechanisms.
- Represent the cluster in inter-cluster coordination fora as appropriate.
Preparedness and Capacity-Development (including, where possible, in the pre-emergency and post-emergency phase):
- Co-lead early warning, contingency planning, and emergency preparedness efforts for the cluster.
- Ensure adequate cluster participation in inter-cluster early warning, contingency planning and emergency preparedness activities.
- Together with cluster partners, undertake capacity mapping and gap identification exercises to develop a capacity-development strategy for the sector.
Needs Assessment, Analysis, Prioritization and Planning:
- Ensure that the cluster covers all the identified and evolving sector needs of the affected population, and not only those that relate to the specific mandate of individual cluster members, including that of the Cluster Lead Agency.
- Organize joint field missions, needs assessments and analysis among cluster partners and participate in joint inter-cluster needs assessment exercises as appropriate to ensure that identified needs, gaps and priorities are as evidence-based as possible in any given emergency context.
- Facilitate the development of an overall strategy and response plan for the cluster with linkages between disaster risk reduction, relief, recovery and development. To the extent possible, ensure the strategy complements government policies and plans.
- Ensure that the response plan of the cluster is updated regularly according to evolving needs and that it establishes indicators by which performance of the cluster can be measured.
- Ensure that cluster strategies are adequately reflected in overall country strategies such as the Common Humanitarian Action Plan (CHAP) as well as in Flash and Consolidated Appeals.
- Identify issues of mutual interest and identify information which (i) should be proactively shared with other clusters, and (ii) should be acquired from other clusters to ensure a more effective overall response.
- Identify potential areas of duplication between clusters so that they can be avoided, and identify potential gaps which may fall between clusters so that they can be addressed through the clear assignment of responsibilities.
- Inform the Country Representative of the Cluster Lead Agency of any critical gaps in the response that cannot be covered by any cluster partners and that require the Cluster Lead Agency to intervene as Provider of Last Resort;
- Promote measures which increase accountability to affected populations and promote the identification of durable solutions.
Transition Planning:
- Depending on the specific country situation, co-lead on the design of appropriate transition strategies for the cluster to ensure continuity between the humanitarian response, recovery and development phases and disaster risk reduction initiatives.
Integration of Cross-Cutting Issues:
- Raise awareness of and promote the integration of agreed priority cross-cutting issues (e.g. age, environment, gender, HIV/AIDS and human rights) in cluster/inter-cluster needs assessments, analysis, planning, implementation and monitoring.
- Work with cross-cutting issue focal points (if they have been designated) or, if necessary, call upon global cross-cutting issue focal points to support the effective mainstreaming of these issues within the response.
Application of Standards, Guidelines and good Practice:
- Facilitate discussion and agreement on the use of common standards and tools among cluster partners.
- Promote awareness of and adherence to relevant policy guidelines, codes of conduct and examples of good practice by all cluster partners, taking into consideration the possible need for local adaptation both in terms of language and content.
- Ensure to the extent possible that cluster partners use common standards and tools for information collection/sharing and data management, including in needs assessments and monitoring (while respecting principles of confidentiality and protection concerns).
- Ensure that cluster partners are aware of relevant commitments that the Government has made under international human rights and humanitarian law and promote a response which is in line with these commitments.
Information Management, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting at all level (Cluster and WV):
- Facilitate adequate reporting and information sharing, both within the cluster and with other clusters through inter-cluster coordination mechanisms. (This will involve contact list management and collecting 3 or 4 W information (Who/What/When/Where) from partners and ensuring it is shared with the inter-agency coordination body so that it can be processed and redistributed at the cluster level and to other stakeholders).
- Ensure that updated and relevant cluster-specific information is included in general inter-cluster reporting including common web platforms, Situation Reports and other reporting mechanisms.
- Facilitate cluster agreement on what monitoring activities will be undertaken to review the impact of the sector’s humanitarian response and ensure they are implemented.
- Make adjustments to the overall strategy and programming as appropriate.
- Regularly review the functioning of the cluster and encourage an atmosphere conducive to raising and addressing concerns.
- Help facilitate real time evaluations.
- Ensure transparency in accounting, reporting and documenting business training and business development and support grants activities, and ensure compliance with standards and donor policies.
- Coordinate and assist LERP Field Team in collection of data to measure indicators and ensure reliability of information.
- Coordinate in the production of periodic reports to track performance and progress.
- Ensure the documentation and dissemination of lessons learnt.
- Together with cluster partners, identify core advocacy concerns for the sector and contribute key messages to the broader advocacy initiatives. Where appropriate, develop a joint cluster/ inter-cluster advocacy initiative to raise the profile and needs of the cluster among in-country humanitarian donors.
- Encourage all cluster partners to include common/sector-wide issues, concerns and messages in their own communication activities.
- Advocate for the Cluster Lead Agency to take the necessary action in its capacity as Provider of Last Resort.
- Advocate for the use of participatory and community-based approaches in the planning and implementation of projects.
Resources Mobilization:
- Following thorough and transparent consultation within the cluster, provide leadership and strategic direction in the assessment and prioritization of project proposals and common funding criteria for inclusion in Consolidated Appeals, Flash Appeals, CERF and ERF requests and other inter-agency funding appeals.
- Ensure that agreed cluster strategies and priorities are adequately reflected in appeal documents.
- Ensure the implementation of the gender marker in appeals.
- In line with any agreed guidance for inter-agency funding appeals, establish mechanisms for accountable and transparent financial resource allocation within the cluster.
- Where possible work at the inter-cluster level to promote coherence amongst clusters.
- Seek out donor opportunities for WV.
- Develop concept notes and proposals related to livelihoods and economic development programming expansion.
Livelihood, Food Security and Economy Recovery Projects Strategic Planning and Program Development:
- Identify information gaps concerning project implementation opportunities in skill based trainings, business grants and plan field-based assessments accordingly.
- Oversee collection and assist analysis, and reporting of technical information (including on business training and business development and support grants) in close coordination with M&E management.
- Support LFSERP Field Team and Facilitate strategic decision making, such as village/community selection, beneficiary selection criteria and support modalities.
- Lead and provide technical support for the business training and business development and support grants, projects in line with assessment findings.
- Determining resource requirements (human resources, equipment and materials, funding).
- Produce/update program documentation (e.g. consolidated work plans, responsibility matrixes, progress reports), based on project information.
- Assist senior management with any requests for information or data regarding program expansion or development.
- Identify and facilitate staff, institutional, and community access to resources, advice, expertise, assistance, and materials that will lead to high-quality development activities.
Management & Administration:
Provide guidance on administrative matters relating directly to business training and business development and support grants business activities and facilitate functional cooperation between personnel and systems at all levels.
Coordinate business training and business development and support grants activities in area of field operations, and ensure that they are implemented according to agreed quality standards and implementation plans.
Coordinate with LERP Field Team to manage project information and maintain all documentation related to LERP projects activities, ensuring that they are accessible, well organized and that they comply with standards and templates agreed.
- The incumbent must have a Master’s Degree in Agriculture, Livestock, Agriculture Economics or similar from an accredited University is required with 5 years experiences.
- Commitment to and understanding of international humanitarian standards, especially the Red Cross and Red Crescent Code of Conduct, Sphere, and the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) Standard.
- Professional with demonstrated capacity for high level representational work and record of excellent teamwork.
- At least 3 years of INGO experience preferred.
- Fluency in English and French required.
- At least 3 years’ experience coordinating livelihood, food security cluster involving coalitions and partnerships, including with INGOs and Government.
- Previous experience managing programming in complex emergencies and/or fragile context as well as ability to manage teams.
- Proven leadership and strategic planning capabilities with demonstrated budget management ability.
- Relevant work experience in VSLA, cash transfers, livestock and nutrition, women’s economic empowerment- related fields.
- Strong understanding of the international humanitarian community, preferably experience working with/in coalitions of other INGOs and the UN.
- Demonstrated ability to work effectively with stakeholders from various institutional arrangements; local NGOs, INGOs, faith-based organizations, political and government institutions.
- Works well in and promotes teamwork, comfortable in a multi-cultural environment, flexible and able to handle pressure well.
- Excellent oral and written skills in both French and English.
- A high level of diplomacy and networking skills is required.
- Ability to work in a cross-cultural context with people of various backgrounds.
- Ability to work in a volatile and, at times, insecure environment.
- Computer literate and well-versed in basic software (Word, Internet Explorer, Excel, etc).
- Proven ability to work independently and collaborate with diverse staff and partners.
- Committed and enthusiastic for World Vision’s aims and mission.
- Confident and organized self-starter who can handle multiple tasks and responsibilities simultaneously, take initiative and is able to respond rapidly and effectively to new opportunities.
- Experience in capacity building and training of local staff.
- Willingness to participate in chapel and group devotions.
- Commitment to WV Core Values and Mission Statement.
Work Environment:
- The position requires ability and willingness to travel domestically and internationally up to 25% of the time.
- Again, experience to work in volatile environments; ie: Hardship postings.
- The position requires much team work and good management ability.