Employment for Driver/Messenger
Organisation: National Aids Council
Job Title: Driver/Messenger
Location: Station: NAC Bulawayo Province, Bulawayo.
Station: NAC Bulawayo Province, Bulawayo.
National AIDS Council (NAC) is an organization enacted through the Act of Parliament of 1999 to coordinate and facilitate the national multi-sectoral response to HIV and AIDS. It is also mandated to administer the National AIDS Trust Fund (NATF) collected through the AIDS Levy i.e. the 3% collected from every workers taxable income (PAYE) and corporate tax.
Mandate: To provide for measures to combat the spread of Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV) and management, coordination and implementation of programmes that reduce the impact of HIV and AIDS. (The National AIDS Council Act Chapter 15:14 of 2000). Although the Act gives NAC the power to implement programmes, it is now generally agreed that its role and comparative advantage is to lead, co-ordinate, monitor and evaluate the national response to HIV and AIDS.