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Vacancy 2016: Consultancy, United Nations Children’s Fund

Category: Consulting Jobs Zimbabwe, UN Jobs in Zimbabwe
Posted: Oct 4, 2016

Expert to support End-Term Review of the UNICEF-UN WOMEN Joint Programme for Prevention of Gender based Violence (GBV) against Adolescent Girls

Job ID: #1706971

Categories: Project/Program Management

Country: Zimbabwe

City: Harare

Organization: UN Children’s Fund

Job Years Experience: 5-10 Years

Job Type: Consultancy

Close Date: 7/10/2016


Joint Programme for Prevention of GBV against Adolescent Girls and Young Women funded by DANIDA (JGBV) started in 2014 and is a 3-year programme running until end of October 2016.

The JGBV program was developed in response to the high prevalence of GBV in Zimbabwe and the failure of most interventions to respond to the needs of adolescent girls and young women. The JGBV is implemented by UNICEF and UN WOMEN in collaboration with the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development (MoWAGCD).

This programme has been crafted around the following three outcome areas[1]:

  1. Strengthening the preventive and protective normative and financial framework through technical assistance, advocacy and capacity building
  2. Improving primary prevention by changing harmful social norms and empowerment of adolescent girls and young women
  3. Increasing secondary prevention and protection by scaling up access to critical gender and child sensitive services for survivors

The program has been implemented at national level and in eight districts, namely, Beitbridge, Bindura, Makoni, Bulilima, Msingwane, Centenary, Chipinge and Gwanda with the following objectives or targets:

  • By 2015, 5,000 at-risk girls and young women are empowered to know their rights, access services and protect themselves against violence.
  • By 2015, 5,000 girls and young women who are survivors of violence access critical gender and age-sensitive welfare, justice and other critical services.
  • Strategy for legislative reform in line with CRC and CEDAW finalised and priority legislative revisions drafted.
  • An increased knowledge of gender based violence and where and how to report violations among adolescent girls, young women, men, boys and other duty bearers in intervention areas.
  • A national social norms strategy is in place, based on findings from the determinants of violence in Zimbabwe.
  • Relevant ministries’ national budget requests reflect a minimum budget floor for gender based violence programming.

It is against the above background that the programme is undergoing an End-Term Review in order to establish the extent to which the programme has achieved the expected results as per the log frame.

Objective (s)

To provide technical facilitation and support for documentation/reporting to the End Term Review process that will be undertaken through self-appraisal methodology by a review team comprised of UNICEF, UNWOMEN, MoWAGCD, and DANIDA. The consultant is expected to support the review team to assess the progress of the programme vis-à-vis set results/targets (as per the logframe); verify that programme and financial management, and review whether policy and programming objectives have been met as per the TOR of the End Term Review.

Methodology & Expected Output

The End Term Review will build on the mid-term evaluation carried out in 2016 and will focus on the issues including but not limited to:

  1. Assess progress achieved since the inception of the programme building on the MTR Evaluation, with a special attention and reference to the last 9 months of implementation. Make recommendations and identify action points regarding major issues and challenges that affected reaching results.
  2. Review progress made by all key stakeholders involved in the implementation of the JGBV program for its duration. The review shall capture, where possible, differentiated gender outcomes for the programme.
  3. Assess and score the JGBVs results achieved against the Outcomes and Outputs in the logframe, including a consideration of how Assumptions and Risks were managed.
  4. Review the JGBV governance structure, strategic oversight, coordination and decision making processes.
  5. Review the performance of UNICEF and UNWOMEN in their capacity as the implementers of their respective commitments.
  6. Assess the sustainability of the JGBV vis-a-vis the results achieved at national and local level and how the work that started can be supported.
  7. Identify key lessons learned, opportunities and challenges emerged from the JGBV implementation.

    Major tasks and Deliverables

  8. Task: Develop suitable methodology and modality (i.e. key informant interviews, FGD, etc.) for the stakeholder consultations at Harare and in the 2 districts

    Deliverable: Inception report with tools and methodology

  9. Task: Undertake field visit and facilitate FGD and interviews (as per the methodology agreed upon) in the 2 districts and in Harare together with the review team.

Deliverable: Field notes

  1. Task: Present draft report at a review meeting in Harare

Deliverable: draft report

  1. Task: Incorporate feedback and submit the final report

    Deliverable: Final report

All deliverables should meet the expected quality as assessed by the Supervisor of the consultancy assignment. The consultant will be based in Harare with field consultations in 2 districts. The consultations are at three levels: national level, one of the 3 main pilot districts and one of the 5 district where coordination strengthening support was provided. The sites will be identified by the steering committee for the JGBV program and will involve estimated 4 days of field travel.


The consultancy will begin 10 October and will end on 31 October 2016.

The Review Team will finalize a plan for national/sub-national consultations with the programme’s stakeholders including beneficiaries in selected field sites.

Consultancy Requirements

Education and Work Experience

  • Consultant must have at least an advanced degree in social sciences,
  • Fluency in English required and the major Zimbabwean languages (Shona and Ndebele) would be an asset,
  • At least 8 years’ experience in research, monitoring and evaluation, 2 of which should be in an international developing country context;
  • Experience in evaluation of GBV programs.
  • Proven technical competence in quantitative and qualitative data analysis;
  • Strong knowledge of the Zimbabwean governance system in terms of the anti GBV structures, health system, social welfare system, access to justice system
  • Familiarity with the UN Joint Programme on GBV a strong asset


    The consultancy will be conducted under the general supervision of UNICEF Child Protection Specialist in close collaboration with the End-Term Review Team consisting of the MoWAGCD, UNWOMEN, DANIDA and UNICEF

[1] Program document, Annex A: Prevention of Gender Based Violence Against Adolescent Girls and Young Women – A joint UNICEF and UN WOMEN initiative with the Government of Denmark/Royal Danish Embassy of Harare



If interested and available, please submit your application letter, CV, a Technical and all-inclusive financial proposal detailing travel related costs and DSA (for an estimated 4 field travel days) to email address: by 07 October 2016. To quote “JGBV Consultant” as the email subject heading.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


