Videography – Documentation of Rehabilitation of Piped Water Schemes, Methodology, Processes and Impact, Zimbabwe
- Organization: UNICEF – United Nations Children’s Fund
- Country: Zimbabwe
- City: Harare
- Office: UNICEF, Harare
- Closing date: Wednesday, 1 February 2017
- Work type: Consultancy
- Location: Zimbabwe
- Pay Grade: Consultancy
UNICEF with funding from various donors is currently implementing WASH drought responses as well as regular WASH development programmes in Zimbabwe. The WASH interventions include rehabilitation of non-functional and/or partially functional piped water schemes (PWS) and boreholes serving communities and/or institutions.
A recent assessment of PWS in Zimbabwe indicated that more than half of PWS are partially or nonfunctional. A significant quantum of boreholes have been rehabilitated under various programmes including over 10,000 under the UNICEF supported Rural WASH Programme. Thus, there has been a significant experience and knowledge gained over the years on borehole rehabilitation, processes and impact.
However, PWS rehabilitation has not benefitted from the same high level of intervention and there is limited experience and documented knowledge and information on the processes for effective borehole rehabilitation.
Under the UNICEF supported drought response, rehabilitation of 20 PWS is to commence shortly in 10 districts (2PWS per district) over the period January to September 2017. The rehabilitation will be done by implementing partner NGOS working with the respective PWSSC and DWSSC. Draft protocols for PWS rehabilitation are in existence and will be used in implementation of the rehabilitation works. Additionally, UNICEF will provide technical support and quality assurance through an engineering a consulting firm. The rehabilitation works will include community participation as well as involvement of stakeholders at all levels.
The drought response project provides a key opportunity to document the processes, key methodologies, approaches, and outcomes of the project. Documentation is an effective advocacy and social mobilization tool as well as a visibility tool. It provides a historical reference and institutional memory which provides detailed information about the project and can be used to ensure the success of both current and future projects. Documentation is a strategic tool to ensure that among other things key lessons learned are made available for current and future projects.
This consultancy aims to engage a Videographer to visually capture the process of rehabilitation of PWS and how it has impacted the target districts and beneficiaries.
The documentary will serve as an advocacy tool to show the impact of UNICEF supported intervention in the ongoing drought response for which over 2 million people require water.
It will also be used as a learning product on processes and methodologies for PWS rehabilitation for WASH practitioners in Zimbabwe to inform current and future programming; the major non state implementers in rural water supply are NGOs who have limited experience in PWS. This is critical given the large number of nonfunctional PWS in the country.
There will also be dissemination events of the documentary under the leadership of the National Action Committee. Photographs will be used in online and print publications. The videos will also be used online.
Objective (s)
The objective of the consultancy is to:
Visually capture the methodologies, processes and impact of the rehabilitation of 20 PWS in 10 districts of Zimbabwe.
The specific tasks are:
- Develop and submit a treatment plan (creative concept & production schedule) to UNICEF for review and clearance.
- Travel to the field and gather raw footage and still pictures of PWS rehabilitation activities and impact. Pictures and videos are to be shot before, during critical rehabilitation works and after the rehabilitation works
- Carry out interviews with stakeholders- national, provincial, district and community members on the processes, methodology and impact of the rehabilitation of PWS (Narration and translation).
- Produce 1 photo-essay slideshow (around 3 minutes) with sound and text using a selection of the above pictures
- Produce 3 short project videos that highlight accomplishments of the SaFPHHE concept to date (script development) for (i) donors/policy makers (ii) practitioners (iii) communities/non-expert audiences)
- Participate in a brown bag to disseminate knowledge products on PWS
Methodology & Expected Output
The process of documenting the PWS rehabilitation is a collaborative, consultative and coherent one. To this end, guiding principles such as; meaningful consultation with stakeholders and regular communication, at all levels, have to be adopted. Pictures and video will be captured through field visits to selected project districts, interviews with key informants such as households, community leadership, Water Point Management Committees, Community Health Clubs, extension workers, District and Provincial Water and Sanitation Sub-Committees, Chief Executive Officers, Project Management Team, National Coordination Unit and UNICEF. The consultant will be responsible for shooting videos that highlight the processes, outcomes, opportunities, challenges and lessons learnt in the PWS Rehabilitation. The consultancy is open to creative and innovative methods of capturing and disseminating processes, methodologies and lessons from the PWS Rehabilitation. Images in photography and videography should appear natural, relaxed and images should not be posed. Photography should tell a story and not be superficial with an over use of added effects.
The consultant will be expected to travel to at least 10 out of the 20 project sites and will be required to work closely with the respective implementing partner NGOs, PWSSC and DWSSC. UNICEF and the PMT shall facilitate access to project sites and stakeholders.
The consultant is expected to provide all equipment required for this assignment, including but not limited to:
- Editing (including addition of narration and music) of raw footage according to UNICEF recommendations/requests and UNICEF guidelines for video production and multi-media documentation.
- Translation and subtitling of media pieces.
- Finalization of video material (colour and sound correction and any other graphical effects/additions needed) and following UNICEF guidelines for branding and copyright.
- Submission of the final video material in two (2) sets; a) High Definition (HD) quality b) Compressed quality (MP4, AVI, Movie, formats) for uploading and sharing on various social media platforms.
- Submission of all HD raw footage material to UNICEF in both Windows and Mac formats.
- Storage of all archive film in a readily accessible format.
The information collected and analyzed is subject to a data privacy clause. Upon delivery of the video materials, all records shall pass into the exclusive ownership of UNICEF, including all use and distribution rights connected to the video production. It is upon the consultant to ensure that he/she has the requisite skill set of photography and videography for satisfactory performance on this consultancy.
The videos and photo essay will be subjected to round of reviews by UNICEF and key partners and the consultant is expected to incorporate such feedback in a timely manner.
Major Tasks and Deliverables
Task: Participation in Inception Meeting to clarify expectations and discuss plans and methodology
Task: Develop and submit a treatment plan.
Deliverable: Treatment and production schedule
Task: Undertake field visits to project sites to obtain pre rehabilitation videos and photos of project sites, highlighting the gaps and challenges in water access and conduct interviews
Deliverables: Raw video footage of all sites visited, detailed report on all photography and filming locations, including names and contact details of all individuals interviewed. 150 high-quality and high-resolution, edited and captioned pictures delivered on USB Flash
Task: Undertake field visits to project sites to obtain videos and photos of project sites and conduct interviews during the rehabilitation works including highlighting community participation, and role of other stakeholders including DWSSC, NGOS etc.
Deliverables: Raw video footage of all sites visited, detailed report on all photography and filming locations, including names and contact details of all individuals interviewed. 150 high-quality and high-resolution, edited and captioned pictures delivered on USB Flash
Task: Undertake field visits to project sites to obtain videos and photos of project sites after the rehabilitation showing the project impact, lesson learnt and conduct interviews
Deliverables: Raw video footage of all sites visited, detailed report on all photography and filming locations, including names and contact details of all individuals interviewed. 150 high-quality and high-resolution, edited and captioned pictures delivered on USB Flash
Task: Use footage collected to prepare photo-essay
Deliverable: 1 Photo-essay slideshow (around 3 minutes ) with sound and text using a selection of the above pictures
Task: Use footage collected to prepare videos
Deliverables: 3 short videos (about 7 minutes each for (i) donors/policy makers (ii) practitioners (iii) communities/non-expert audiences) in full HD 1080 that captures the processes, outcomes, opportunities, challenges and lessons learnt and impact of the PWS Rehabilitation
Task: Conduct interviews at national level with key government officials, UNICEF and donors
Task: Prepare on line versions of video and presentation of the knowledge products at the PMT and the Brown Bag
Deliverables: – Digital formats of the final video version for online use (MP4, AVI), 15 branded DVDs of the final work, All B roll footage, presentation to PMT and Brown Bag
All deliverables will have to meet expected quality as assessed by the supervisor of the assignment.
The consultancy will begin 15 February 2017 and end 18 November 2017 for a period of 40 weeks.
Consultancy Requirements
Bachelor’s degree in Communication, Film making, Visual Communication, Fine Arts or related area AND at least 5 years’ experience operating video cameras and editing equipment; OR, ten years’ experience operating video cameras and editing equipment from which comparable knowledge, skills and abilities have been achieved.
Extensive experience in producing development work related documentaries.
Good understanding of the rural communities and message design accordingly (samples of previous productions can be submitted)
Relevant training on camera works/videography
Excellent technical capacities (state of art filming equipment preferably High Definition) to ensure smooth and high quality production.
Additional experience in development communication will be an added advantage.
Application Procedure
If interested and available, please submit your application letter, CV, Technical proposal and an all-inclusive financial proposal detailing monthly professional fees, in-country travel costs to at least 5 districts (it is estimated that the consultant will visit each project site being targeted three times and spend approximately two days in each visit excluding travel time. It is proposed that 10 of the 20 project sites be visited during the consultancy. The consultant is however free to propose different field visit schedule and methodology that can bring added value to the assignment), applications to be sent by 1 February 2017. and quote “WASH Videography Consultant” as the subject heading.
Advertised: Jan 19 2017 Jordan Standard Time
Application close: Feb 01 2017 Jordan Standard Time
Apply here: