

Individual National Consultant for Process Documentation of Rehabilitation of Piped Water Schemes, Methodology, Processes and Impact If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting...
January 23, 2017

Individual National Consultant for Process Documentation of Rehabilitation of Piped Water Schemes, Methodology, Processes and Impact

If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting difference for children, the world’s leading children’s rights organization would like to hear from you.

For 70 years, UNICEF has been working on the ground in 190 countries and territories to promote children’s survival, protection and development. The world’s largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments.



UNICEF with funding from various donors is currently implementing WASH drought responses as well as regular WASH development programmes in Zimbabwe. The WASH interventions include rehabilitation of non-functional and/or partially functional piped water schemes (PWS) and boreholes serving communities and/or institutions.

A recent assessment of PWS in Zimbabwe indicated that more than half of PWS are partially or nonfunctional. A significant quantum of boreholes have been rehabilitated under various programmes including over 10,000 under the UNICEF supported Rural WASH Programme. Thus, there has been a significant experience and knowledge gained over the years on borehole rehabilitation, processes and impact.

However, PWS rehabilitation has not benefitted from the same high level of intervention and there is limited experience and documented knowledge and information on the processes for effective PWS rehabilitation.


Under the UNICEF supported drought response, rehabilitation of 20 PWS is to commence shortly in 10 districts (2 PWS per district) over the period January to September 2017.

The rehabilitation will be done by implementing partner NGOS working with the respective PWSSC and DWSSC. Rehabilitation of PWS involves various components comprising technical design, community involvement, monitoring and technical quality assurance, coordination and supervision by national and sub national structures and sustainability (with respect to post rehabilitation operation and maintenance and financing).

The approach to PWS rehabilitation comprises community participation facilitated by NGOS and DWSSCs with simultaneous use of contractors for undertaking the more technically complex aspects of the rehabilitation. Capacity building of communities for ownership and sustainability through NGO facilitation is also a key component of the approach.

The drought response project provides a key opportunity to document the appropriateness of this approach, covering from project inception, implementation, and monitoring/quality assurance to community level impact; the project duration of 10 months as well as the number of targeted PWS provide an optimal window and target group for effective real time documentation. The targeted districts are Chimanimani, Umguza, Hwange, Mwenezi, Matopo, Gwanda, Mangwe, Makonde, Guruve and Bindura

The documentation will include a SWOT analysis of the approach, processes, challenges faced and lesson learnt as well as recommendations based on field visits and interviews/discussions with key stakeholders.

UNICEF thus requires to engage a Documentation Consultant to capture the rehabilitation process being undertaken to restore the PWS in 10 districts.


Documentation is an effective advocacy and social mobilization tool as well as a visibility tool. It provides a historical reference and institutional memory which provides detailed information about programmes and can be used to ensure the success of both current and future projects.

Documentation is a strategic tool to ensure that among other things, key lessons learned are made available for current and future projects.

The documentation will serve as an advocacy tool to show the impact of UNICEF supported intervention in the ongoing drought response.

It will also be used as a learning product on processes and methodologies for PWS rehabilitation for WASH practitioners in Zimbabwe to inform current and future programming; this is important given that the major non state implementers in rural water supply are NGOs who have limited experience in PWS rehabilitation. This is critical given the large number of nonfunctional PWS in the country.

Additionally, it will also provide valuable learning for decision makers on success factors for PWS rehabilitation and conditions contributing to time overruns and unsuccessful rehabilitation of PWS. The assignment will also build on the recently completed rural PWS Assessment report supported by UNICEF. 

The documentation products will be disseminated under the leadership of the National Action Committee to contribute to its use sector wide.

Objective (s)

 The objectives of the consultancy are to:

a)Document the processes and community level outcomes of the PWS rehabilitation project in 10 districts of Zimbabwe.The specific tasks are

  1. Review of existing documentation on PWS including protocols for rehabilitation and approaches used elsewhere
  2. Undertake field visits to project locations to obtain firsthand knowledge of the rehabilitation process and works being done
  3. Conduct semi structured interviews, focus group discussions etc with field level and national stakeholders and beneficiaries to elicit their views, perceptions and knowledge levels on PWS rehabilitation, operation and sustainability
  4. Document the process of PWS rehabilitation from conception, implementation, monitoring and quality assurance to community level impact.
  5. In collaboration with UNICEF and counterparts, hold a dissemination workshop to share the process documentation report with stakeholders

Methodology & Expected Output

The process of documenting the PWS rehabilitation would be participatory and collaborative, including mechanism for soliciting and acting on feedback from stakeholders. The consultant will be expected to liaise and work closely with key stakeholders including District and Provincial Water and Sanitation Sub-Committees, Chief Executive Officers, Project Management Team, National Coordination Unit, implementing partner NGOs, project beneficiaries, contractors and UNICEF.

The methodology will comprise desk review of national and international literature and documents on rural PWS, field visits to project locations, participation in relevant meetings and workshops on the PWS rehabilitation, review of project reports from NGOs and interviews and discussions with stakeholders.

 The final documentation products are expected to provide information on the processes and various aspects of the rehabilitation including technical, social and community, project monitoring, community level impact and sustainability.

 Identification of challenges, best practices, and lessons learnt, roles of key players will also form part of the final reports. All products will be subject to a round of review by UNICEF and counterparts and feedback provided.

 Expected Outputs are:

  • Comprehensive Report on Processes for PWS rehabilitation in electronic and hard copy with the following attributes:

Documentation of Processes used for the implementation of the PWS rehabilitation, from conception, implementation, monitoring/quality assurance, implementation and community level impact

  1. Success factors covering increased community participation, social factors, timeliness of rehabilitation works, technical supervision and monitoring
  2. Appropriateness of stakeholders with respect to their roles in the project including potential for sustaining the system
  3. SWOT analysis of the approach used
  4. Analysis of the cost benefit of the project
  5. Feedback and views of all levels of stakeholders should be reflected in the report
  6. Conclusion and recommendations for PWS rehabilitation projects

The report should be a high quality document that can be used to inform sector policy and practice. It should be written in clear crisp language, understandable to a lay reader. Where appropriate, visuals, pictorials and high resolution photographs should be used to aid understanding.

 Human Interest Stories

Human interest stories from at least five project locations capturing significant change made in the lives of beneficiaries as a result of the PWS rehabilitation with appropriate high resolution photos

 Summarized Executive Brief

 This report should be suitable for non-technical audience and capture the highlights of the main report and should not exceed five pages.

 Final PowerPoint Presentation

A final power point presentation will be made to key stakeholders and other interested parties. The presentation should also be suitable for use as a learning and advocacy tool by sector practitioners

All reports and presentation should be in standard professional English using MS and in ready to print format.

 Major Tasks and Deliverables

Task: Participation in Inception Meeting to clarify expectations and get a common understanding of the scope of the consultancy and finalize timelines

Deliverable: Outline of Process Documentation approved by UNICEF

Task: Desk Review of documents on PWS at both national and global level

Deliverables: Draft of Literature review section and Interview protocols

Task: Undertake field visits to project sites to obtain firsthand knowledge on the rehabilitation works, conduct interviews and hold discussion with stakeholders.

Deliverables: Draft and submit to UNICEF a comprehensive process documentation and five human interest stories

Task: Participate in at least five reviews, meetings and workshops of the PWS Rehabilitation with NGOS, DWSSC and PWSSC and other stakeholders at national and/or district level

Deliverables: Summarized Executive Brief and Power Point Presentation

Task: Review PWS rehabilitation progress reports to inform the final process documentation report

Task: Conduct interviews at national level with key government officials, UNICEF and donors

Task: Incorporation of feedback from UNICEF on main report, human interest stories and PowerPoint presentation

Deliverables: Finalized versions, approved by UNICEF of the following: Comprehensive Process, Documentation, Five Human Interest Stories, Summarized Executive Brief, Power Point Presentation

Task: Presentation of the Process Documentation to key stakeholders

All deliverables will have to meet expected quality as assessed by the supervisor of the assignment.


The consultancy will begin 16 February 2017 and end 22 November 2017 for a period of 40 weeks.

Consultancy Requirements


  1. Advanced University Degree in the Social Sciences, Development Studies, Environmental/Public Health, or other relevant field of study 

Work Experience

  1. At least 10 years familiarity and or experience with WASH Sector in developing countries especially in water supply
  2. Prior experience in documentation/ knowledge management of WASH programmes especially will be an added advantage.
  3. Excellent writing skills and ability to produce high quality reports suitable for use at high levels
  4. Familiarity with piped water schemes will be an advantage
  5. Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines
  6. Ability to deliver high quality products in the allotted time period
  7. Ability to be flexible and respond to changes as part of programmatic response, review and feedback process
  8. Possess strong interpersonal skills, organization networking, ability to communicate effectively with varied partners
  9. Possess initiative and a drive to achieve results
  10. Demonstrated communication skills in English ( both verbal and written)
  11. Working knowledge of local language would be an added advantage

 Application Procedure

If interested and available, please submit your application letter, CV, Technical proposal and an all-inclusive financial proposal detailing monthly professional fees, in-country travel costs (it is expected to spend a total of 10 days, excluding travel time in project locations during the period of the consultancy), Applications to be sent by 1 February 2017. Please quote “Documentation of Piped Water Schemes” as the subject heading.

Only shortlisted consultants will be contacted. UNICEF does not charge a fee during the recruitment process.

 UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organisation.

Application close: Feb 01 2017 Jordan Standard Time

Apply here: https://goo.gl/hPwNjV



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