
UN Children’s Funds vacancy-South Africa

Background and Justification Currently, there is major ongoing work for improving adolescent HIV outcomes across the pathway from prevention, treatment, care and support in the country. Various policies and guidelines...
Posted in 2016 jobs   •   May
May 19, 2016

Background and Justification

Currently, there is major ongoing work for improving adolescent HIV outcomes across the pathway from prevention, treatment, care and support in the country. Various policies and guidelines aim to address the challenges of access, coverage and quality of services at different levels of health care across the country.

Interventions include ensuring the scale up of access and coverage for HIV prevention interventions, HIV counselling and testing amongst adolescents and young people, ensuring treatment and care and linkages to support as needed. Supporting adherence strategies linked with a comprehensive prevention programme are also critical areas of work.

Over the last few years, there have also been several initiatives reaching out to adolescents through mobile technology. Several mhealth programmes are reaching adolescents and young people with key messages on health, sexual and reproductive health, including HIV/AIDS and TB.

UNICEF is a lead technical partner working closely with the National Department of Health and the respective provincial departments and district management teams towards supporting improved health outcomes for women, children and adolescents across the maternal and child health and nutrition programmes, and the HIV/AIDS and TB programmes. The focus on adolescents within ongoing programmes, understanding the current status, gaps and tracking results for adolescents is a key area of work in the coming months.

We are currently working closely with the Department of Health and partners, including the technical working groups towards the design of demonstration sites for understanding the delivery of the comprehensive package for adolescents including pre exposure prophylaxis for adolescents at substantial risk.

It is proposed to hire a consultant to support the above working closely at all levels with the Government at national and with the respective partners towards the finalization of a costed operational plan with timebound targets for the design of the implementation of a comprehensive HIV prevention packae including Pre Exposure Prophylaxis for adolescents.

Scope of Work

*Goal and Objective:** Under the supervision of the Chief of Health and Nutrition, the consultant will support the finalization of a costed operational plan with timebound targets for the design of the implementation of a comprehensive HIV prevention package including Pre Exposure Prophylaxis for adolescents.

Provide details/reference to AWP areas covered:

The assignment aligns with output 4 of the AWP.

Activities and Tasks: The specific tasks are:

Support the completion of the operational plan for the design of the implementation of a comprehensive HIV prevention package including Pre Exposure Prophylaxis for adolescents. This includes:

Completing a literature review and putting together all the background information for adolescents and HIV including data on current status, programs and policies

Completing a detailed Gantt chart including key activities for the next five years

Completing the log frame with targets and mile stones as per agreed format

Completing a supply plan linked with the activities and the budget

Support the completion of the itemised budget working closely with the finance focal persons across the partners and at UNICEF

Support preparatory activities as needed working closely with the implementing partners including site visits

Completing a report outlining the key activities undertaken at the implementing partners sites and at national level during the preparatory phase.

Participate in technical working groups and forums focusing on adolescents to inform the operational plan as needed

Any other tasks linked with finalization of the operational plan as needed (as per discussions with supervisor).

Work relationships:

The consultancy involves working closely with the national department of health, provinces and districts and implementing partners working in adolescent health




(Estimated # of days or months)


Schedule of payment

Inception report with outline of plan for meeting the deliverables during the consultancy

15 days

1 month

Month 1 – 30% payment

Draft operational plan (narrative, Gantt, supply plan, log frame and budget)

1 month

1 month

Final operational plan (narrative, Gantt, supply plan, log frame and budget)

2 months

2 months

Month 2 – 30% payment

Final report including feedback from site visits, partner meetings, and national meetings (if any)

2 and half months

2 and half months

2 and half months (final payment) – 40% payment

Payment Schedule

As outlined above linked with deliverables.

Desired competencies, technical background and experience

Education: An individual with any of the following – masters degree in public health, social sciences, nursing and allied sciences

Length of relevant work experience required in the technical area for this consultancy: a minimum of seven years experience in the public health sector.

Competencies: The individual must have demonstrated ability and experience in supporting work related to adolescents linked with health systems strengthening work. Prior work in HIV and TB is needed. An understanding of the South African health system, the different levels of health care service delivery, current policies and strategies, its challenges, as well as prior experience with developing, implementing and monitoring results driven frameworks for public health programmes is required. Field experience with maternal, newborn, child health and nutrition programmes and adolescent programmes in South Africa with an understanding of field level challenges is an added advantage. Prior experience with working with the national department of health, provinces, districts and development partners will be an added advantage.

Past experience with writing operational plans and proposals is needed.

Languages needed: English. Working knowledge of the languages spoken in South Africa is an added advantage.

Administrative issues

Focal point: Chief of Health and Nutrition


The contractor will work on its own computer(s) and use its own office resources and materials in the execution of this assignment. The contractor’s fee shall be inclusive of all office administrative costs

Local travel (outside Gauteng) and airport transfers (where applicable) will be covered in accordance with UNICEF’s rules and tariffs.

Flight costs will be covered at economy class rate as per UNICEF policies.

Any air tickets for travel, will be authorized by and paid for by UNICEF directly, and will be for the attendance of meetings and workshops (if contractor is from outside Gauteng)

The candidate selected will be governed by and subject to UNICEF’s General Terms and Conditions for individual contracts.

As per UNICEF DFAM policy, payment is made against approved deliverables. No advance payment is allowed unless in exceptional circumstances against bank guarantee, subject to a maximum of 30 per cent of the total contract value in cases where advance purchases, for example for supplies or travel, may be necessary


Risk: Delays in receiving information from the partner sites.

UNICEF will continue to facilitate the exchange with partners, regular meetings and tele calls and site visits will be planned to ensure smooth flow of information.

Qualified candidates are requested to submit a cover letter, CV, and signed P11 form (which can be downloaded at http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/index_53129.html to safpretoriavacancy@unicef.org

with subject line “Pre Exposure Prophylaxis for adolescents”**. Please indicate your ability, availability and** fee/rate (daily? Monthly?)** to undertake the terms of reference above.

Submission deadline: 23 May 2016

Applications submitted without the below mentioned documents will not be considered.

Detailed Cover letter, CV and P11 form.
Consultant fee/ rate (daily/monthly).
Proof of medical insurance.



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