Since the outbreak of violence on 15 December 2013, the conflict in South Sudan has devastated the lives of millions of people. Well over one million people have been forced to flee their homes, a number that continues to rise. Approximately 950,000 people are displaced within South Sudan, and a further 290,000 have fled to neighbouring countries. About 80,000 displaced people are living in “protection sites” in the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) bases, where there are serious health and security concerns. Many other internally displaced persons are sheltering in remote areas with little or no access to clean water, food or humanitarian assistance.
Obstructions to the movement and activities of humanitarian agencies and violence against humanitarian personnel and assets by the parties to the conflict have led to extreme difficulties in providing aid and assistance to displaced communities. The rains is to begin shortly and will soon render many roads impassable, cutting off civilian populations from life-saving help. The already dire humanitarian situation risks becoming a crisis.
CCM is operating in South Sudan since 1984 supporting the Health System Development and promoting health among local communities. CCM is currently working in 5 Counties, employing about 50 expatriates and 500 South Sudanese staff.
The above-mentioned political, financial and economic crises have further contributed to the increasing of crime episodes (both in Juba and in the rural areas) and CCM has indeed been the target of several attacks, with serious consequences for assets and employees.
Security threats can be a major obstacle to CCM achieving its goals and, if not dealt with properly, can result in major losses for the organization, including the death of staff. In many areas where CCM works, if security risks are not managed, CCM would not be able to implement programmes. Effective management of safety and security is crucial to CCMs objective of ensuring consistent support to Ministry of Health in achieving planned country program results for South Sudanese population.
In November 2015, CCM Board of Directors have approved the organisation of a Security Policy, which indicates the need of the elaboration of Country Security Plans, prioritizing countries that are considered at higher level of insecurity and the training of staff on security behaviours and Standard Operation Procedures.
2.1. General
2.1.1. Description of the assignment
The objective of the service is to assess current practices implemented by CCM regarding safety and security to support CCM in adopting effective security measures to reduce its vulnerability and to prevent and better manage insecurity events.
The assignment includes the following areas of work:
risk assessment on the general situation of the country and of the assets of CCM bases in Juba and county offices;
development of a Security Plan and definition of SOPs;
training of key staff.
2.1.2. Geographical area to be covered
CCM locations/bases/areas in South Sudan:
Tongping area, Juba;
Turalei in Twic County;
Tonj South County;
Tonj East, Marial Lou in Tonj North County (Warrap State);
Mingkaman in Awerial County;
and Adior in Yirol East County.
2.1.3. Target groups
All CCM staff, excluding health care workers under the supervision of CHDs.
A particular attention should be given to:
CCM staff in management positions
CCM staff dedicated to logistics
CCM drivers and guards
2.1.4 Reporting Line
The consultant will report to the CCM Country Representative for strategic coordination. He/she will work in close collaboration with the CCM Logistic Coordinator in Juba, as well as the CCM staff members of all county bases for inputs into the development of the Security Plan and SOPs.
2.2. Expected Results and Specific activities
The main expected results are:
Review current CCM security policies and related documents.
Development of the CCM Security Plan and SOPs to include documentation and sharing of information with staff members.
Ensure full understanding for all CCM Staff Member (at all levels in Juba and County bases) of CCM policies and procedures with respect to Security Risk Management.
CCM is requiring the consultant to conduct the following activities:
Risk Assessment
Analysis of relevant documents on South Sudan situation
Revision of CCM relevant documents (CCM Security Policy; Vision and Mission; Strategic Plan; Organigram and HR Policy)
Interview of CCM key staff from distance or in person(CCM International Programs Coordinator; Desk Officer; Administrative Desk Officer; Country Representative; CCM Country logistician)
Visit to all field bases and interviews with relevant staff
Elaboration of a Risk Assessment document and suggested plan of action
Development of Country Security Plan and SOPs:
Preparation of draft documents
Integration of comments and revision
Presentation and validation with the country management team
Training of staff:
Preparation of training material
Coordination with Country Management team for the organisation of training session with different staff
Facilitation and conduction of training
Report of the activities and recommendations for further steps.
2.3. Project management
2.3.1. Responsible body
The person responsible for managing the contract will be CCM Country Representative in South Sudan.
2.3.2. Facilities to be provided by the Contracting Authority and/or other parties
The Contracting authority will be responsible for the organisation of the consultant mission, once in South Sudan and will facilitate his/her entry in the country. CCM will organise internal flights and road transport, will take care of consultant accommodation and food for the days of field visit. CCM will also be in charge of the organisation of training session (caring for the venues and movement of staff), unless offered differently by the consultant. International flights and any another expense not mentioned in this article will not be at Contracting Authority’s charge or responsibility.
3.1. Location
The service would be on a consultancy basis and may require some activities to be conducted from distance. Visit to all field bases for risk assessment and training should be conducted in South Sudan.
3.2. Commencement date & Period of implementation of tasks
The intended commencement date is 1st of June 2016 and the period of implementation of the contract will be 3 months from this date.
4.1. Personnel
4.1.1. Key experts
The required profile to participate to the tender include the following:
Proved relevant and extensive experience with a focus on security risk management (risk assessment, development of security plan and measures, training of staff).
Relevant qualifications and training attendance on security risk management.
The consultant must have a clear understanding of NGOs security policies and procedures with at least 3 years of relevant and progressive security, risk, and crisis management experience, both national and international providing security-related services.
Minimum 5 years field experience in emergency countries is a requirement. Proven supervisory and leadership capabilities required.
Demonstrated ability to produce clear, succinct policy and communication material
Excellent written and oral communication skills in English required.
Very good communication and training skills.
Ability to work independently and respond to feedback in a timely and professional manner.
Excellent organizational skills, attention to detail, and ability to contribute to a team.
Previous knowledge of the South Sudanese context will be an asset.
Consultants can work individually or in a team.
4.2. Office accommodation
Office accommodation for each expert working on the contract will be provided by CCM.
4.3. Facilities to be provided by the Consultant
The Consultant shall ensure that experts are adequately supported and equipped. In particular it shall ensure that there is sufficient administrative, secretarial and interpreting provision to enable experts to concentrate on their primary responsibilities. It must also transfer funds as necessary to support its activities under the contract and to ensure that its employees are paid regularly and in a timely fashion.
The consultant is required to have his/her laptop, internet connection, training equipment and provide for his international travel to South Sudan.
5.1. Reporting requirements
The consultant will submit the following reports in English in one signed copy:
• Draft final report of maximum 10 pages (main text, excluding annexes). This report shall be submitted no later than 2 weeks after the end of the period of implementation of tasks.
• Final report with the same specifications as the draft final report, incorporating any comments received from the concerned parties on the draft report. The final report shall be provided by the latest 7 days after the reception of the comments on the draft final report. The report shall contain a sufficiently detailed description of the different options to permit an informed decision on further measures to improve CCM security in South Sudan. The detailed analyses, which underlie the mission’s recommendations, the Security Plan, SOPs and training material will be presented in annexes to the main report. The final report must be provided along with the corresponding invoice.
5.2. Submission & approval of reports
The report referred to above must be submitted to the person indicated in point 2.3.1 who is responsible for approving the reports.
The Consultant is requested to provide the work plan set in order to meet the deadline described in points 3.2 and 5.
Consultants interested should submit a proposal, including budget time line, and resume by May 28th, 2016 to:
Please, specify in the email subject the following reference: JUBASS/2016/CNP01/bis