
Programs & Policy Manager ActionAid-Zimbabwe 2016

PURPOSE OF THE POSITION: ActionAid International Zimbabwe (AAIZ) is seeking a Programs and Policy Manager for the Governance theme to ensure that the policy, program and projects within the given...
Posted in 2016 jobs   •   May
May 9, 2016

ActionAid International Zimbabwe (AAIZ) is seeking a Programs and Policy Manager for the Governance theme to ensure that the policy, program and projects within the given theme are effectively and efficiently implemented to achieve set goals and objectives.
The Programmes and Policy Manager will assist the Governance thematic coordinator in the following key activities;
• Contribution to the development, implementation and monitoring of the Country Strategy Plan (CSP), linking programme and policy work at different levels
• Coordination, Management and Development of Programme and Policy interventions under the CPS 2013-2017 Strategic Objective (SO) 2 on holding governments and corporates accountable and the key change promise 2.
• Partnership Development and Capacity Building
• Planning, Monitoring, Reviews and Evaluation
• People for Change Personnel (P4C) recruitment, management and monitoring
• Human Resource Line Management Responsibilities & other support
Please note that a detailed Job Description will be made available to shortlisted candidates upon request.
 A bachelors degree in Social Sciences, Development Studies and/or other relevant fields
 3 years’ experience in governance work, including supporting local partner organizations and working with community based organizations/local associations.
• Demonstrated commitment to working with AAIZ target groups i.e. poor and marginalized groups at community and national levels
• Understanding of local governance issues including accountability, citizen empowerment, participatory planning and budget tracking processes and mainstreaming of peace building activities.
• Understanding of political and socio-economical factors that impact on local governance and program development
• Good organizational and planning skills including program/projects budget tracking in line with contractual obligations
• Ability to work in partnerships with service providers/policy makers from both voluntary and statutory sectors
• Ability to write concise, analytical and accurate reports to agreed deadlines
• Knowledge and understanding of monitoring and evaluation processes and the ability to collate and analyze data
• Ability to communicate effectively verbally and Good written English and local languages relevant in areas of work
• Clean Class 4 driver’s license
Please submit a maximum of 3 page Curriculum Vitae and motivational letter clearly addressing the key performance areas highlighted in the advert to the attention of Human Resources to 26 Divine Road, Milton Park, Harare.
Alternatively, applications may be emailed to jobs.zimbabwe@actionaid.org Please ensure that the envelope is clearly labeled or the email contains the subject Programs and Policy Manager (Gov) or REF # EMP/16-04. For more info visit AAIZ website
NB: Whilst all applications received will be assessed strictly on their individual merits, qualified women are especially encouraged to apply. Due to the anticipated volume of applications, we regret that we can only respond to shortlisted candidates.



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