
Oxfam International Country Director job vacancy-Zimbabwe 2016

Oxfam is looking for candidates for the position of Oxfam International Country Director for Zimbabwe. In this role you will contribute to and implement Oxfam’s Global Strategy, by providing vision...
Posted in 2016 jobs
April 18, 2016

Oxfam is looking for candidates for the position of Oxfam International Country Director for Zimbabwe.
In this role you will contribute to and implement Oxfam’s Global Strategy, by providing vision and strategic direction to all of Oxfam’s work in the country. This includes Oxfam’s humanitarian responses, long term development programme design and implementation, advocacy and policy and influencing. You will be responsible and accountable for the strategic direction and effective management of the country programming, ensuring development, continued improvement in quality and impact of programmes and effective financial and human resource management in line with Oxfam Policy.
The Country Director will be responsible, with support from change groups and the Regional Director, to implement the Oxfam 2020 Vision which aims to create a stronger Oxfam that is globally coordinated and relevant in every country in which we work. This will involve planning, developing and implementing the vision.
Zimbabwe Context
Over the last two decades the context in Zimbabwe has been characterised by a complex social, political and economic emergency that is driven by a multifaceted crisis of governance and natural disasters. This underpins the power that exacerbates poverty in Zimbabwe. Electoral cycles are marked with corresponding cycles of political violence that undermine civic participation.
The formal economy has been structurally underperforming due to massive de-investment and de-industrialization. Annual growth has continued to fall over the years and is projected at 1.5% for 2015. Of the 6.3 million currently employed population aged 15 years and above, 5.9 million (94.5%) are considered to be in informal employment. Basic services are failing because of decreasing revenues. People in the informal economy face higher risks of poverty as they are physically and financially vulnerable.
Informed by this context, Oxfam in Zimbabwe is redefining its role and repositioning itself. Oxfam will focus on areas where most of the poverty and vulnerability is concentrated and manifested and where contribution to systemic changes can make a difference in the lives of people. Oxfam will also ensure that in a fragile context like Zimbabwe it builds local capacities to respond to emergency situations. Currently there is an ongoing emergency from 2014/15 crop failure and this is compounded of El Nino effects, which is likely to see another crop failure in 2015/16 season. The Oxfam programme is in the process of scaling up its response to the crisis which has affected the whole region and is now a Cat 2 regional emergency.




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