
Lupane University Vacancies: July 2016

Lupane University Vacancies SOFTWARE ENGINEER– a bachelor’s science degree in computer science, information Systems/ technology or equivalent, 3 years relevant experience, certification in C, PHP and Java WEBMASTER– a bachelors...
July 25, 2016

Lupane University Vacancies

SOFTWARE ENGINEER– a bachelor’s science degree in computer science, information Systems/ technology or equivalent, 3 years relevant experience, certification in C, PHP and Java

WEBMASTER– a bachelors science degree in computer science, information Systems/ technology or equivalent, 3 years relevant experience, certification in Adobe, Photoshop, Joomia and PHP
Applicants must submit 6 copies of detailed CV and certified copies of certificates, ID, Birth Certificate, CV must include information on experience, present salaries, date of availability, 3 references;

The Senior Assistant Registrar, Human Resources Section, Lupane State University, PO Box AC255, Ascot Bulawayo



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