
Local Capacity Builder (LCB) – Jobs in Zimbabwe

Job: Three (3) vacancies: SNV Title Three (3) vacancies: SNV Location E. Highlands Job Information Position 1: Local Capacity Builder (LCB) to support certified tea growers in Honde Valley LCB...
September 1, 2014

Job: Three (3) vacancies: SNV

Title Three (3) vacancies: SNV
Location E. Highlands
Job Information Position 1: Local Capacity Builder (LCB) to support certified tea growers in Honde Valley

LCB to support Honde Valley Smallholder Development Company (HVSDC) and Honde Valley smallholder tea growers adherence and compliance to the UTZ and Rainforest Alliance certification programmes under the Horticulture component of Value Chain Development.

Key tasks
Support the certificate holder (HVSDC), monitor and support group’s compliance to UTZ and Rainforest Alliance Standards and all applicable control points and procedures; Support new farmer enrolment through trainings on the Rainforest Alliance and UTZ Certified programmes; Provide refresher trainings to lead farmers and certified tea farmers on UTZ and Rainforest Alliance Standards; Oversee and support implementation and rolling out of the Continuous Training Program (HVSDC Master Training program) and internal inspections as agreement with UTZ and RA auditors; Facilitate lobbying and conflict resolution platforms amongst tea value chain players; Support the Ford Foundation Revolving Fund through overseeing fund utilisation, tea production, loan repayments and client relation management; Support curriculum development on smallholder certification compliance support strategies, opportunities and constraints

Position 2: Local Capacity Builder (LCB) to support Commodity Associations in Manicaland

LCB to provide capacity building support to seven (7) Horticultural Commodity Associations in Manicaland so that these associations provide essential production, marketing and business development services to their members.

Key tasks
Conduct a capacity needs assessment for the 7 Associations; Facilitate the development of strategy papers by the 7 Associations; Identify and facilitate various contract farming arrangements between the Horticultural Commodity Associations and private companies; Facilitate development or review of governance instruments (constitution and by-laws) of the Horticultural Commodity Associations; Facilitate and foster strong partnerships and linkages between the 7 Associations and other value chain actors (input, output and service providers); Conduct Business Development Services (BDS) skills trainings targeting Associations’ leadership, Agritex and members

Position 3: Local Capacity Builder (LCB) to support various arrangements in Manicaland

The required LCB should facilitate the development of the commercial relationship between horticultural growers and horticultural markets in Manicaland province.

Key tasks
Mobilisation of Manicaland viable smallholder farmer into various supply contracts; Provide the contacted growers with technical backstopping designed to improve crop scheduling, production, harvesting and quality management; Provide training to the contracted growers on Farming as a Business; Facilitate and oversee product (horticultural produce) aggregation, buying, transportation and farmer payments under this arrangement; Monitor, evaluate and report the progress of the project to SNV

Profile of the required LCB For this assignment we are looking for an LCB with the following skills/qualifications and experiences:
–    Strong facilitation, communication and leadership skills, preferably with at least a University degree in Agriculture, Economics, Business management and or Development
–    At least 3 years of extensive working experience in BDS and entrepreneurship with strong knowledge of smallholder farmers associations, microfinance, entrepreneurship and SME’s
–    Demonstrate strong linkages and networks with horticultural value chain players in the respective province
–    Strong inter-personal, cultural and diplomatic skills and experience working with diverse communities
–    Compelling written communication skills including ability to prepare reports, formulate and defend sound recommendations

The post holder will be offered a 4 months contract starting September 15th 2014 to December 31st 2014.

To apply
Interested and qualified candidates can send in their application letters and CVs to:HRzimbabwe@snvworld.org and CC to: Zimbabwe@snvworld.org



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