Work with the project market development team to construct market analysis of the livestock sector to identify market opportunities, contraints and potential interventions. Develop a livestock strategy program to address the underlying constraints of competitiveness. Develop intervention tools, techniques and strategies that can be delivered through a training structure. Lead the design and implementation of market led activities to strengthen livestock market system. Contribute to monitoring and evaluation framework reports and project outputs related to the livestock sector Design and implementation of market led activities to strengthen the market livestock system through improved animal husbandary, access to markets and resillience of smallholder livestock keepers.
- Job Type:
- Sector:
- Work Country:
- Minimum Remuneration (USD per month):
- Maximum Remuneration (USD per month):
- Reports To:
- Supervision Of:
- Interacts With:
- Environment Gender:
- Environment Age:
- Environment Culture:
- Years of Experience:
- Qualifications:
- Education Level:
- Equipment Experience:
- Computer Experience:
- Knowledge Of:
- Skills to:
- Ability To:
- Personality:
- Permanent
- Agriculture and Livestock
- Zimbabwe
- 0
- 0
- Program Manager
- Subordinate Personnel
- Staff and Livestock Owners
- Mixed
- 30
- Capacity Building
- 8
- Degree in relevant field, Livestock, Rural Development, Agricultural Economics
- Degree
- Trade Related
- MS Office
- Southern African gender livestock issues, related to agricultural, nutrition, livestock and food security
- Facilitate training for staff and beneficiary populations
- Research and delivery of private sector and market development interventions with focus on improved livelihoods through livestock activities.
- Passionate
CV People Africa
263 4 704963 / 4 / 5/
55 Livingstone Avenue, Apply for Jobs Via CV People Africa Website