Price: | $1,200 |
Phone: | 263 4 704963 / 4 / 5 |
Support developers with assignments Take client briefs Interpret client briefs Provide programming support Support developers with assignments
- Job Type:
- Sector:
- Work Country:
- Minimum Remuneration (USD per month):
- Maximum Remuneration (USD per month):
- Reports To:
- Supervision Of:
- Interacts With:
- Environment Gender:
- Environment Age:
- Environment Culture:
- Years of Experience:
- Qualifications:
- Education Level:
- Equipment Experience:
- Computer Experience:
- Knowledge Of:
- Skills to:
- Ability To:
- Personality:
- Permanent
- Technology
- Zimbabwe
- 1200
- 1200
- Senior Developers
- Self
- Developers and Management
- Mixed
- 21
- Progressive
- 2
- Computer Science or relevant
- Degree
- PC
- C#, Php, JQuery /JavaScript, CSS
- Website Design and Programming
- Create, Program, Develop Websites
- Take Initiative, Be Creative, Take Instruction
- Driven, Motivated, Team Player