
IGATE Project Jobs Vacancy Zimbabwe

MidTerm Impact Evaluation Consultancy for the Girls Education Challenge – IGATE Project World Vision UK is looking for a research team to conduct the mid-term impact evaluation study of the Girls’...
March 7, 2015

MidTerm Impact Evaluation Consultancy for the Girls Education Challenge – IGATE Project

IGATE Project Kenya

IGATE Project Kenya

World Vision UK is looking for a research team to conduct the mid-term impact evaluation study of the Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC) project ‘Improving Girls’ Access through Transforming Education’ (IGATE) in Zimbabwe. The research team should be composed of Local Consultants (who are based in Zimbabwe and have carried out similar studies in the past, and will be responsible for completing a large data collection exercise, quantitative and qualitative) and International Consultants (who will oversee the mid-term evaluation and will be responsible for: quality control at all evaluation levels, carrying out robust statistical and rigorous qualitative data analysis and for final report writing).

The mid-term impact evaluation has been planned to take place between 1st of June 2015 and 30th of September 2015. The mid-term impact evaluation will use a randomised control trial design complemented with a significant qualitative methodology component that was used for the baseline study. The deadline for submitting the application is 23rd of March 2015.

Consultants are free to submit joint bid for International and Local, or for one of the two.


We invite interested Consultants / research teams to submit the following application documents:
a) Expression of interest addressing track record and selection criteria
b) Technical proposal for the midterm study
c) Detailed CVs for the Senior research team (Lead Consultant, Statistician, Qualitative Specialist, etc),

d) Budget (separating core consultancy costs and daily rates of team members and in-country data collection costs) specify if VAT or any local / international taxes has been included where applicable.
e) At least an example of previous similar work
f) A statement regarding the legal, financial and professional independence of the research team from World Vision, CARE and SNV, and a declaration of any real or perceived conflict of interest with any project stakeholder

Please send queries and applications to:

Elena.Godfrey@worldvision.org.uk Country Programme Manager

Copy Craig_Geddes@wvi.org IGATE Consortium Leader

Copy Mbuso.Jama@worldvision.org.uk Senior Impact Adviser

Tel: 00 44 1908 841000





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