Position title: Evaluation Officer – IDEV.1&2
Grade: PL-6
Position N°: 50089996/50089997
Reference: ADB/16/054
Publication date: 06/04/2016
Closing date: 26/04/2016
Country: Côte d’Ivoire
The core mandate of the African Development Bank Group’s Independent Development Evaluation Department (IDEV) is to conduct independent evaluation studies, provide relevant lessons, develop and harmonize standards and practices, support evaluation capacity development together with partner agencies and attest to the validity of both processes and the results of self-evaluation activities.
Further to the implementation of the Independent Evaluation Strategy 2013-2017, including a new structure for IDEV, the Project and Programme Evaluation Division (IDEV.1) has become the Private Sector and Infrastructure Evaluation Division. It implements all evaluations related to the Private Sector and Infrastructure interventions of the Bank. The High Level Evaluations Division (IDEV.2) has become the Country, Regional and Corporate Evaluations Division. It implements all evaluations related to the interventions of the Bank through its country and regional strategies and programs, and in “soft” sectors such as human development and governance. It also implements institutional evaluations.
Duties and responsibilities
Under the general supervision of the Division Manager, IDEV1 & 2, the incumbent will contribute to the evaluations of the Bank’s activities including projects, countries, sectors, or thematic and corporate priorities.
1. Evaluation Activities
a. Carry out components of evaluations in accordance with the Bank’s Evaluation Policy and Manual and international evaluation standards e.g. Evaluation standards from the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, and Good Practice Standards from the Evaluation Cooperation Group (ECG). This includes:
– Conduct literature and document reviews
– Frame evaluation questions.
– Develop Evaluation Matrix
– Develop evaluation design (e.g., randomized, quasi-experimental, non-experimental) and identify limitations.
– Identify data sources, data gaps and develop strategies to address data gaps.
– Develop and apply sampling strategy.
– Collect, assess, analyse and interpret data. Code data against coding schemes.
– Develop Theory of Change and assess program rationale
– Identify/quantify results (intended and unintended)
– Identify/evaluate alternative delivery models
– Use evaluation-related software
– Assist the Task Manager in developing the performance story based on the analysis of evaluation findings. Contribute to the writing of evaluation reports
– Supervise the work of junior analysts.
b. Quality Management
– Support the Task Manager in establishing an effective quality management process including contributing to the terms of reference for internal and external peer-review.
– Provide regular written progress reports to IDEV management to update them on ongoing evaluations.
c. Stakeholder Engagement and Communication
– During the evaluation process, consult widely and engage regularly with Bank’s staff both at headquarter and field office levels.
d. Learning
– Identify any improvements to the evaluation process that IDEV may consider for future evaluations as part of its learning and communicate these lessons to IDEV management and staff.
2. Contribute to the creation of an evaluation culture in the Bank and in Regional Member Countries (RMCs):
a. Promote the use of evaluation as an effective accountability and learning tool in the Bank and RMCs.
b. Support evaluation capacity development initiatives within the Bank and in RMCs.
c. Contribute to the development of innovative communication tools (briefs, highlights sheets, tip sheets etc.) that are targeted to different audiences (e.g., policy-makers) and select appropriate communication channels (social media, web sites, conferences etc.) to optimize the use of evaluation findings.
d. Contribute to the review, analysis and provision of comments on documents prepared by Country and Sector Departments and other Units of the Bank to ensure that lessons of experience are duly incorporated in the design of Bank Group policies and operations.
e. Provide support in organizing meetings, workshops and other discussion fora to establish dialogue on evaluation results.
f. Draft oral or written answers to enquiries about IDEV’s evaluation work.
3. Support, management and contribute to positioning IDEV as an innovator and leading-edge among other multilateral institutions and to maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency of the Bank’s Evaluation Function:
a. Contribute to the development of state-of-the-art methodologies, approaches and tools to be used in evaluations that assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the Bank’s activities in projects, countries, sectors and, thematic and corporate priorities.
b. Keep abreast of new international trends and developments in the evaluation profession and in the area of international development. Share these with team members and colleagues.
c. Engage in evaluation communities of practice within and outside the Bank
Selection Criteria
Including desirable skills, knowledge and experience
· A minimum of a Master’s degree with specialization in economics, sociology, statistics or public administration or an equivalent combination in terms of training and experience.
· A minimum of four (4) years’ experience in contributing to components of evaluations and/or research projects
· Experience in contributing to the writing of evaluation and/or research reports
· Experience using relevant computer software for data analysis purposes and using Bank standard software (Excel, Word and PowerPoint).
· Knowledge of the Bank’s mandate, strategic priorities, policies and operations.
· Knowledge of evaluation theory, frameworks, process, methodology:
– Bank’s Evaluation Policy and manual; OECD DAC Evaluation Standards, ECG Good Practice Standards.
– Different types of evaluations.
– Evaluation design.
– Quantitative and qualitative methods.
· Knowledge of developments and trends in international development.
· Ability to analyse complex issues
· Ability to operate under pressure and adapt to changing priorities
· Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing
· Ability to act with independence, objectivity, and integrity at all times.
Personal suitability
· Effective interpersonal skills
· Judgement
· Teamwork
· Detail Oriented
· Reliable
Language Proficiency:
Proficiency in English and/or French and working knowledge of the other language.
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To apply for this position, you need to be national of one of AfDB member countries.