
Endline Study Consultant – Central Asia Health Systems Strengthening (CAHSS)

Employment at  Aga Khan Foundation Application Deadline: 31/01/2017 Introduction The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is a private not-for profit, non-denominational development agency that works to improve the quality of life...
January 11, 2017

Employment at  Aga Khan Foundation

Application Deadline: 31/01/2017

  1. Introduction The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is a private not-for profit, non-denominational development agency that works to improve the quality of life of communities in remote and resource poor areas. AKF is an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), a group of international development agencies, institutions and programmes that work primarily in the poorest parts of Africa and Asia. In Central Asia, AKF works to improve health outcomes of women of reproductive age and children under 5. AKF is in its final year of a five-year project, and is seeking a qualified consultant(s) to lead the design and analysis of its end line study. The purpose of the study is to design and coordinate a robust endline survey and analysis in order to demonstrate change against core indicators within the project’s Performance Measurement Framework (PMF), as well as other measures collected throughout the project period. The Global Consultant will serve as the technical lead of a multi-country project (Afghanistan, Kyrgyz Republic, Pakistan and Tajikistan) and will work closely with the project’s coordination unit (PCU) on all matters pertaining to this RfP.
  2. Background of Project CAHSS is a $31 million, five-year project implemented by Aga Khan Foundation Canada (AKFC) and co-funded by Global Affairs Canada. CAHSS is designed to improve the health of 655,557 people, including 376,771 women, and 19,298 children under five in target areas of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyz Republic, particularly for reproductive-aged women, newborns and children under five. The overall goal of CAHSS is to Strengthen health systems to improve the health of men and women in target areas of Central Asia, especially women of reproductive age, newborns and children under five. CAHSS is designed to intervene at the primary (community), secondary (district) and tertiary (provincial and national) levels of the health system. To address health system gaps and weaknesses, and strengthen the ability of systems to contribute to improved health in the target areas of Central Asia, the project plans to 1) strengthen service delivery; 2) foster professional development; 3) promote community health; and 4) promote learning. Specifically the project’s outcomes are: • Increased availability of quality care provided by project supported health facilities • Improved capacities of female and male health professionals to manage and provide quality care • Enhanced awareness of male and female community members on health promoting and disease preventing behaviours • Improved awareness of targeted healthy behaviours among male and female community members • Enhanced knowledge of key stakeholders to inform and improve the functioning of the health system in Central Asia
  3. Scope and Target Population The survey will be carried out in the four countries in which CAHSS works, using similar population estimates and sampling methodology as the Baseline Survey. Sampling strategies will be validated by the Global Consultant as outlined in the deliverables below. Based on final sample estimations at the time of the baseline, it is expected that the end line study will cover approximately 4600 households in 160 clusters in 4 countries.
  4. Purpose and Objectives of Mandate The Consultant will serve as the lead Global coordinator for the study and be responsible for overall sampling, quality control of data and analysis. Specifically, the main objectives of the consultancy are to:

-Act as lead technical coordinator for the endline study with focus on validation of the design, sampling strategies in each country, revision/review of existing baseline tools for use during the end line, analysis of all data and report writing. The latter, will include one consolidated endline report and four individual country reports. AKF will provide a suggested outline for these reports in advance. -Orient recruited Country Study Leads to implement enumerator/data collector training and ensure quality control is maintained during data collection and entry. This will include an in-person workshop in one CAHSS country. -Update databases based on endline tools and provide support to M&E Leads and/or data entry clerks during data entry process where paper based questionnaires are used. Where computer assisted software is used, provide support in real-time review of data -Provide ongoing technical support (remotely) to M&E Leads in each of the CAHSS countries throughout the duration of the study.

In-Country coordination of enumerator recruitment, data collection, and enumerator training will be led by the M&E Leads in each of the CAHSS countries.

5.Scope of Study The study will include two main components:
• Collection of quantitative household data on all indicators included in each country PMF, and any additional measures, through a representative household sample survey using similar methodology as the baseline survey • Analysis of secondary sources from the project’s Facility Assessment and other data sources collected through monitoring processes

The following indicators are expected to be collected through the endline study through a sample household survey: i) Percentage of pregnant women who have had at least four ANC visits by a skilled health provider ii) Percentage of pregnant women who received ANC at least four times iii) Percentage of births attended by a skilled health personnel iv) Percentage of births delivered in a health facility v) Percentage of infants aged 0-5 months who are exclusively breastfed vi) Percentage of children fully immunized vii) Percentage of children 0-59 with diarrhea two weeks preceding the survey who have received treatment viii) Percentage of women that know at least three danger signs during pregnancy ix) Percentage of women initiated breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth x) Percentage of women know at least 2 modern family planning methods.

Other Indicators and Information (Document Review) In addition, through the project’s monitoring and evaluation system, a series of additional indicators will be collected by AKF field units, and will be made available for analysis and inclusion in the final endline reports

The Project Coordinating Unit (PCU) will make available all relevant data during the inception phase, including additional indicators and baseline tabulation plans.

  1. Key Activities and Deliverables The key deliverables expected from the Consultant(s) for this assignment are as follows: • Review all relevant documents, studies and other data sources regarding MNCH issues relevant to the countries, including performance indicators and definitions identified in the project Performance Measurement Framework, and sampling methodology of baseline study . Prior to the commencement of the Study Report, an inception meeting via Skype with the PCU will be carried out to clarify mandate.

• Study Inception Report : a detailed inception report and study work plan is to be produced including the following elements: o Study design and sampling strategy and proposed sample size for quantitative components, based on baseline methodology o Detailed work plan that includes all tasks by the Consultant and team members and incorporating the overall study timelines . o Level of effort of each team member o Detailed study budget including professional fees, expected reimbursable, etc. o An analysis plan which contains all definitions and computations for each indicator, and which is in line with the baseline tabulation plan produced.

• Review/Finalization of data collection tools: review proposed data collection tools, which will be updated by the PCU and AKFC, in collaboration with AKF Country Units, to ensure consistency against analysis plan.

• Develop data entry application: four countries that are not using electronic data capture, a data entry application is to be developed, preferably in Microsoft ACCESS, or equivalent

• Orientation with each Country End Line Study Lead recruited by Field Offices to ensure quality enumerator training, data collection, data entry and cleaning. This orientation will likely take place in an in-person workshop prior to enumerator training (location to be determined) and will serve to orient each M&E Country Lead on study protocols, enumerator training, data entry protocols and cleaning, etc. (N.B The Global Consultant will not be involved in collection or data entry and is the responsibility of each individual country study lead)

• Develop Enumerator Guidelines and Protocols for Data Collection

• Support Enumerator Training following a detailed agenda and outlining study protocols

• Ensure Data Entry Quality by reviewing initial data entry conducted at the country level and provide feedback to Country Study Leads, where applicable. Data collection will vary from paper-based to electronic capture, depending on the country.

• Analyze (process) quantitative data. It is also expected that the Consultant will do a critical analysis of the data through statistical treatment and triangulation with other sources and literature review and offer possible correlational analysis options. Re-analysis of some baseline data will also be required (e.g. additional sex-disaggregation).

• Summary of all results (difference to difference between baseline and endline) to be used for external audiences.

• Draft and final End Line Study Reports including Executive Summary and Full Consolidated Report. Integration of the project’s monitoring data on other core indicators in the PMF will also be used for report writing. The final Report is to be submitted in both Word and PDF versions with all annexes and raw data files included. A suggested Table of Contents (ToC) will be provided by AKF.

• Copies of original and cleaned data sets (in SPSS, Stata or compatible format) including any field notes are to be submitted to the PCU and AKFC with the draft report.

  1. Time Frame and Level of Effort The period of the contract is estimated to be from February 20, 2017 to November 30, 2017 with an expected contribution of approximately 98 working days over this period. The consultant is expected to carry out all the preparation required to roll out the study.
  2. Qualifications of Consultant(s) • Minimum of 10 years of experience in administering studies, collecting data and producing quality baseline/end line study reports, preferably for international non- international non-profit organizations or multilateral agencies and multi-country studies • Demonstrated experience in designing baseline and end line studies including proven experience in sound sampling, mixed methods approaches (quantitative and qualitative), tool development, enumerator training, etc. • Demonstrated experience in quantitative data and statistical analysis • Demonstrated experience in programming in Open Data Kit (ODK) or other computer assisted personal interviewing software, an asset • Specialization in maternal and child health, policies and services systems in Central Asia; • Knowledge and experience in gender equality issues are highly preferred. • Fluency in English is mandatory. Additional Central Asian languages, an asset • Ability to produce high quality work under tight timeframes

Interested parties are asked to submit the following:

Letter of interest, including the names and contact information of two previous clients who can be contacted regarding relevant experience

Detailed technical proposal of not more than 8 pages clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this request for proposals and including the following:

i. Description of quantitative study approach and methodology

ii. Demonstrated previous experience in mixed methods and other qualifications outlined in this RFP

iii. Proposed data analysis and management of performance indicators

iv. A proposed timeframe detailing activities and a schedule/work plan (including a Gantt chart)

v. A proposed training approach and schedule for enumerators

vi. Team composition and level of effort of each proposed team member vii. Curriculum Vitae(s) of all proposed staff outlining relevant experience (annexed to technical proposal) A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs for the study
i. Itemized consultancy fees/costs
ii. Itemized field data collection expenses iii. Itemized administrative expenses
iv. Validity period of quotations
v. Expected payment plan and method

A copy of a previous report of similar work undertaken on: a) baseline study; OR b) end line study
A Consulting Firm profile (if applicable). Proposals will be evaluated only if the complete package as outlined above is received.


Complete applications should be submitted electronically to: AKFC, c/o AKFC MERL Manager, Health Program at info@akfc.ca with the subject line of: ‘CAHSS Endline Study Application’. Questions related to aspects of this RfP will be received before January 25, 2017, including the request for the full RfP via email, and should be directed to AKFC MERL Manager, Health Program.

Closing date for submission of the application package is end of business day EST on January 31, 2017



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