
Director of Innovations, Monitoring & Evaluation vacancy-Zimbabwe 2016

Closing date: Friday, 29 April 2016 Location: Harare, Zimbabwe Posting Date: 04/06/2016 Deadline Date: 04/29/2016 Description The Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP) Associate Award (AA), a United States...
Posted in 2016 jobs
April 15, 2016

Closing date: Friday, 29 April 2016
Location: Harare, Zimbabwe
Posting Date: 04/06/2016
Deadline Date: 04/29/2016
The Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP) Associate Award (AA), a United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded technical assistance project that is managed by John Snow, Inc. (JSI) in Zimbabwe, is recruiting for a Director of Innovations, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
expert. The MCHIP/Zimbabwe AA supports the Government of Zimbabwe Ministry of Health and Child Care (MOHCC) in improving maternal, newborn, and child health at national, provincial, and district levels.
The Director will manage the monitoring and reporting of all project activities and results, as well as lead the program learning and innovation efforts. The position is answerable to the MCHIP/Zimbabwe AA Country Director and/or Deputy Country Director. The candidate will be based in Harare with up to 25% travel outside of Harare.
Key functions will include
Implementing, monitoring and updating the project’s Performance Monitoring Plan and supporting databases;
Compiling project results for regular reports to USAID, MCHIP headquarters, and the MOHCC;
Working with MCHIP headquarters, the MOHCC, and other project partners to design and test assessment, baseline survey, routine data collection, and implementation research protocols;
Conducting/ supervising data entry, cleaning, and analysis, writing reports of special studies and learning questions, and developing manuscripts for presentation and/or publication;
Supervising baseline, formative and routine data collection;
Working closely with the MOHCC to ensure that key MNCH indicators are being collected at all levels of the health system;
Ensuring data quality and teaching data quality self assessment techniques;
Developing the M&E capacity of project and partner staff;
Working closely with the project team, MCHIP headquarters, and USAID to ensure that all aspects of program strategy, design, planning, implementation, and monitoring are technically sound and uphold the standards of good public health;
And supporting the conduct of (scheduling, preparing for and facilitating, as needed) periodic program planning and reviews.
Public health professional with advanced degree or equivalent combination of training and experience.
10+ years experience in the design and implementation of monitoring and evaluation of donor funded programmes in the Southern African region.
Formal training and prior experience in the monitoring, evaluation and reporting of USAID-funded programmes.
Experience in programme evaluation and impact evaluation.
Experience in research and publication in peer reviewed journals preferred.
Ability to organize and work with teams to produce high quality project deliverables on time and according to budget.
Ability to steer a project based on M&E results.
Excellent interpersonal and written communication skills, particularly as related to report writing and program presentations.
Written and verbal fluency in English.
Proficiency with MS Office Suite, with excellent MS Word, Excel and Power Point skills, and familiarity with database and statistical analysis packages commonly used in public health programs, e.g., SPSS, Access, Epi Info, STATA, or others.
Supportive and empowering management and supervisory style
Ability to work legally in Zimbabwe.



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