
Consultancy for Enterpreneural technical Vocational Education

UNICEF Zimbabwe is seeking the services of an Individual or an Institutional consultancy to conduct the task below; BACKGROUND The Government of Zimbabwe’s efforts to move away from an academic...
Posted in 2016 jobs   •   May
May 24, 2016

UNICEF Zimbabwe is seeking the services of an Individual or an Institutional consultancy to conduct the task below;
The Government of Zimbabwe’s efforts to move away from an academic oriented and examination driven education to a balanced education system which combines both theory and practice can be traced as far back as 1981 when the Government introduced Education with Production.
Education with Production saw the establishment of the Zimbabwe Foundation of Education with Production (ZIMFEP) schools that combined theory and practice in their curriculum. These schools were strategically located aligning skills to the natural resource base in the geographic areas. An attempt was made to balance the distribution of the schools in every province. The concept of the ZIMFEP was not maintained as the schools moved towards academics.
In 1999, the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into Education and Training (CIET) popularly known as the “Nziramasanga report” identified a number of challenges with the education system. Some of the challenges included demand for a more practical and vocational oriented curriculum and a shortage of relevant and quality manpower to increase national economic performance.
The 1999 Commission’s findings revealed a number of shortcomings in the education system. These include, inter alia, that the education system produced a highly academic Learner, with little or no refined practical skills to enable him/her to produce high quality products which can compete on the international market and help to drive the nation forward in value addition and beneficiation and hence promote a successful nation. The education system concentrated on producing a worker rather than an employer.
The Zimbabwe Industrial Development Policy among other objectives seeks to:
Increase manufactured exports to the SADC and COMESA regions and the rest of the world and
To promote utilisation of available local raw materials in the production of quality goods.
These objectives are also in line with other government objectives such as to promote value addition and beneficiation to increase value of the product. Zimbabwe is rich in natural resources that normally are exported to other countries in their raw form. This has resulted in grave revenue losses to Zimbabwe. One of the largest constraints to value addition and beneficiation is the lack of appropriate skills internally to process the goods. Examples of lack of sufficient and high level expertise exist in cutting and polishing of diamond and leather tanning, areas in which Zimbabwe has comparative advantages. For every one carat of diamond sold unpolished, there is approximately a 25% value loss on the international market and a loss of local jobs. If the natural resources could be value added and beneficiated locally, the ripple effects to labour would be high and rewarding. Each carat pays over US$60 in labour price. Hence not only does having sufficient and demanded skills increase the value of Zimbabwe’s raw materials, it will increase the number of people employed in local industries and increase local income or standards of living. However, the major economic sectors also lack clearly defined qualification frameworks which are in sync with the various levels of education in the formal and non-formal training system.
Zimbabwe has a rich cultural heritage that is passed down from generation to generation. These originate from diverse cultural interface. The cultural heritage encompasses most of the art, craft and expressive arts not only as hobbies but also as enriching psychomotor sources of income. These activities also contribute meaningfully to national exports through talent and products. Closure of most companies in Zimbabwe has led to a boom in the informal sector. While there may be many reasons that lead to an informal industry, the informal sector needs to also be recognized as a major industry that utilizes Entrepreneurial Technical Vocational Education and Training (ETVET) and psychomotor skills contributing substantially to the Zimbabwean economy.
In order for Zimbabwe to capitalize and yield maximum profits for its products, skills need to be developed from early childhood to post graduate levels. Skills need to be identified from early childhood (ECD level) through primary and secondary education to tertiary education then higher education. The 2015 Reviewed Primary and Secondary Curriculum now gives more emphasis to psychomotor skills. Identification of interest and talent should start at the early stages of learning and these interests and skills are nurtured based on the pupil’s ability. Increasing exports of locally produced high value goods should be complemented with training institutions of high quality capable of producing expert human capital. These institutions should have highly motivated trainers, appropriately equipped and up-to-date infrastructure in order to produce a proficient graduate (specialized Learner).
Such a graduate (Learner) should be:
A potential employer of others and highly skilled yet with ability to fall back as an employee;
Able to produce world class (highly) sort after goods and commodities;
An honest and accountable individual guided by unhu/ubuntu;
Have high ingenuity;
Highly motivated; and
A leader loyal to national objectives.
Zimbabwe has known comparative advantages in three major industries:
• Agriculture (contribution to Gross Domestic Product at constant prices -12%)
• Tourism (contribution to Gross Domestic Product at constant prices – 12.5%) and
• Mining (contribution to Gross Domestic Product at constant prices – 9.2%)
Despite such a rich endowment Zimbabwe continues to face high poverty rates (67%, PICES ZIMSTAT), high underemployment estimated to be above 80%, high primary and secondary dropout rates per annum and low academic pass rate (27.86% for Ordinary level examinations). Over 12% primary and 17% secondary aged children were out of school according Census 2012 data. These either end up in the formal or non-formal ETVET and psychomotor related systems of learning. Those in the non-formal systems also require trade testing and certification to formalize their skills.
Entrepreneurial Technical Vocational Education and Training (ETVET) programmes were established to address the above mentioned national problems which they have not been able solve to date. The country has 14 universities (9 public-including an open university for distance learning, and 5 private) with 3 more public universities already approved, 11 teachers’ colleges (8 for primary school and 3 for secondary school teacher training), 9 polytechnics as well as 4 Industrial Training Centers (training centers) (ITCs) under the
Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development. There are 43 Vocational (and) Training Centres in Zimbabwe, enrolling nearly 4500 learners from largely disadvantaged backgrounds. The existence of Entrepreneurial Technical Vocational Education and Training (ETVET) centres face several challenges that range from poor policy coordination, systems mismatch and institutional management challenges.
At a Government Round Table Consultative workshop which was held on 30 June 2015, key stakeholders agreed that, to guide the mainstreaming of psychomotor activities at all levels of learning, there is need for a Unified National Entrepreneurial, Technical, Vocational Education and Training (ETVET) policy. The Unified National (ETVET) policy will be a mechanism to ensure there is a coordinated approach to the development, monitoring, evaluation and reporting on practical skills development.
The development of a robust unified national ETVET policy will provide the basis for addressing a multiplicity of issues and challenges that have affected the effectiveness of the sector historically. The challenges include, among others, a fragmented approach to ETVET implementation, inconsistency in quality of TVET training, low perception towards ETVET, as well as the operationalisation of the recommendations, which are still applicable, from the 1999 Commission of Inquiry into education and training.
Preliminary work towards the development of a unified national ETVET policy commenced with a short survey on the status of ETVET in selected Government Ministries/Departments which was conducted in December 2015 as well as, the policy document analysis exercise.
The development of a National Unified ETVET Policy and the Costed ETVET Strategic Implementation Plan should be able to strengthen and guide other Ministries/Departments implementing ETVET related policies and increase harmonization by ensuring coherence of national skills policies in order to address varied vulnerabilities of the population especially the youth. To achieve this goal the Ministry of Psychomotor has partnered with UNESCO, UNICEF, other Development Partners and the Government’s Inter-Ministerial Committee on Psychomotor.
It is critical that the proposed work should be closely linked to the government’s ongoing efforts to harmonise and implement the Revised Education Curricula (all psychomotor related training curricula) by those offering skills development and training in order to reflect the psychomotor philosophy of Competence Based Education and Training (combining theory with practice) and the right attitudes of the learners. The consultant is required to review available ETVET related policy documents, laws and other available materials from all entities involved in skills development training. He/ she should conduct consultations with relevant and key stakeholders, synthesise and consolidate all these. He/ she should ultimately come up with a National Policy Document and Costed Strategic Implementation Plan. The Consultant should take note of the fact that the magnitude of practical skills development transcends the mandate of individual Government Ministries/ Departments and requires a coherent inter-ministerial approach. The assignment covers the following psychomotor coverage areas:
i) Technical Vocational Areas;
ii) Commercial/Business;
iii) Aesthetic/Expressive Arts; and
iv) Crafts
The road map for the development of the Policy and its Implementation Plan will have to ensure that the process of consultations, information collection, analysis and documentation is done along the following logical sequence of steps:-
Development of an ETVET Note (Inception Report) detailing a clear roadmap to development of a Unified National ETVET Policy as well as its Costed Strategic Implementation Plan;
Series of desk reviews;
Stakeholder Mapping
Carry out Consultative Problem Tree Analysis
Identification of policy options based on the results of steps 1. To 4.
Drafting and finalisation of Unified National ETVET Policy document ready for submission to Government.
Drafting and finalisation of Costed Unified National ETVET Strategic Policy Implementation Plan ready for submission to Government.
Costing of priority programs for a period to be agreed upon by the stakeholders;
Design Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework and tool
The Ministry of Psychomotor seeks a motivated and qualified Consultant to develop:-
The National Unified Entrepreneurial Technical Vocational Education and Training Policy;
National Unified Entrepreneurial Technical Vocational Education and Training Framework; and
Costed Strategic Implementation Plan
The last 2 outputs b) and c) should be submitted to the Ministry of Psychomotor for presentation to the Government of Zimbabwe for adoption
The main objective of the consultancy is to develop:-
The National Unified Entrepreneurial Technical Vocational Education and Training Policy;
National Unified Entrepreneurial Technical Vocational Education and Training Framework; and
Costed strategic Implementation Plan
Specific objectives of the assignment include:
To develop a Unified National ETVET Policy which will promote acquisition of practical skills in primary schools, the introduction of vocational education, followed by vocational training in secondary schools, leading to a range of qualifications in different occupational areas, professional, academic, practical and technical at tertiary and higher levels of education. The Policy should also promote human capital development and certification of psychomotor skills in the workplace as well as capturing the formal and non-formal education systems; and
To develop the Costed Unified National ETVET Policy Strategic Implementation Plan to strengthen entrepreneurial, technical, vocational education and training in the four (4) psychomotor coverage areas earlier cited, giving special attention to marginalized groups such as the girl child, people living with disability and children in difficult circumstances.
Encourage meaningful participation through conducting and coordinating stakeholder consultations in the development of the 3 outputs;
Convening of workshops which includes coordinating other partners that are involved in the process and that will participate at workshops;
Manage the group dynamics comprised of divergent individual stakeholders’ needs;
Synthesis and consolidation of the information gathered into a Unified National ETVET Policy and its Costed Strategic Implementation Plan ready for submission to Government.
Draft costed implementation plan and monitoring and evaluation instrument
Expected Outputs:
Unified National ETVET Policy
Inception report inclusive of a roadmap
Carry out a desk reviews i) Skills development needs analysis Report
ii) Position paper on proposed sustainable psychomotor skills development model including Local, Regional & International effective and best practices regarding ETVET Report
Draft Unified National ETVET Policy document ready for submission to Technical Working Group which consists of government ministries (inter-ministerial committee) and United Nations agencies.
Stakeholder inputs incorporated into the Draft Unified National ETVET Policy document
Completed Unified National ETVET Policy document ready for submission to Government.
Costed Unified National ETVET Strategic Policy Implementation Plan
Costed Draft Unified National ETVET Strategic Policy Implementation Plan
Report on proposed ETVET and Psychomotor fund
Costed and Complete ETVET Strategic Implementation Plan document ready for submission to Government.
M&E tool
1a. Main Task: In consultation with stakeholders develop a Unified National ETVET Inception Note with clear roadmap for the Policy development for presentation to the Technical Working Group
Deliverable: Inception report inclusive of a roadmap; Time frame – 16 June – 23 June 2016
1b. Main Task: Carry out a desk reviews
Deliverable: i) Skills development needs analysis Report, ii) Position paper on proposed sustainable Psychomotor skills development model including Local, Regional & International effective and best practices regarding ETVET Report: Time frame: 24 June – 6 July 2016
1c. Main Task: Consolidate all information gathered and develop a Draft Unified National ETVET Policy that can be submitted to Cabinet.
Deliverable: Draft Unified National ETVET Policy document ready for submission to Technical Working Group; Time Frame: 7 July – 5 October 2016
1d. Main Task: Finalise Draft Unified National ETVET Policy that can be submitted to Cabinet.
Deliverable: Complete Unified National ETVET Policy document ready for submission to Government; Time Frame- October -23 October 2016
Main Task; Draft and finalise a Costed Unified National ETVET Strategic Policy Implementation Plan and monitoring and evaluation tool ensuring inclusivity to skills development as well as improvement to information dissemination and enforcement of local languages as instruction media (translation of learning materials to vernacular languages), curricula responding to the needs of vulnerable groups, offer ETVET by open distance learning (ODL). The plan should mainstream practical/technical, entrepreneurial, life and social skills into curricula to correct low social perception of ETVET and Psychomotor related centres of learning and Learners
Deliverable: Costed Draft Unified National ETVET Strategic Policy Implementation Plan and monitoring and evaluation tool; Time frame – 26 October 2016 – 15 January 2017
A Master Degree or Post-graduate in public policy, international development studies, Education/ Entrepreneurial Technical Vocational Education and Training (ETVET)/Equivalent and/or any related Social Science field;
At least 10 years of work experience at international level in education and training, social sciences, public policy, development studies and/or labour market at both theoretical and practical level in the field;
Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively with various partners including the Government, civic society, private sector, UN and other development agencies;
Strong interpersonal and cross-cultural skills, ability to engage and foster relationships with key stakeholders from donors, Government counterparts and other local, regional and international partners;
Strong understanding of ETVET skills development, Psychomotor skills, life skills and other soft skills both as theoretical concepts and in practice a must;
Substantial experience in providing policy advice and working on complex policy-based research related to ETVET and Psychomotor skills development, value addition and beneficiation, poverty reduction, employment creation, analysing ETVET and Psychomotor skills development relative to vulnerability, etc;
Ability to work under pressure, effectively coordinate diverse stakeholders and meet tight deadlines without supervision and without compromising quality of work; and
Good facilitation and presentation skills.
All deliverables will have to meet expected quality as assessed by the supervisor of the assignment. Should the consultant fail to deliver as per expected quality, UNICEF reserves the right to amend the payouts accordingly, or to delay them until satisfactory submission has been received.
In order to come up with a harmonized, well-coordinated and Unified National EVET Policy psychomotor activities in all institutions and at all levels, the Consultant will report progress to the Technical Working Group consisting of the Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) and the UN agencies. Within UNICEF, the Consultant will report to Samson Muradzikwa, Chief of Social Policy and Research. The Consultant will work in close consultation with the Ministry of Psychomotor. The consultant will be based at the Ministry of Psychomotor.

If you are an Individual or Institution and have experience of working in a similar capacity, meeting the above profile and want to make an active and lasting contribution to build a better world for children, send your all inclusive financial proposal, application letter together with curriculum vitae quoting consultancy name and number to the following address. Either email or drop in person to:
Human Resources Manager
(Consultancy Announcement No. Zim/2016:06)
UNICEF, 6 Fairbridge Avenue,
Belgravia, Harare
or email: hararevacancies@unicef.org
Applications should be received by 02 June 2016.Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
UNICEF is committed to gender equality in its mandate and its staff. Well qualified candidates, particularly women are especially encouraged to apply.



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