Job Description
COMESA has budgeted funds toward the cost of design and set up of a Data Centre and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of these funds to payments under the contract for Consultancy Services by individual Consultants to undertake the design and construction supervision of the Data Centre.
The terms of reference include the following:
- Participate in the analysis of the needs of the Secretariat. Stakeholders that the consultant shall consult are mainly the Information & Networking division, the Procurement unit and the Estates unit of the COMESA Secretariat.
- Establish design criteria and develop the specifications for a high-level data center in terms of environmental controls, power, space, footprint, security, cabling, monitoring tools and capabilities.
- Provide budget estimates for the development, initial operation and maintenance costs of the data center.
- Identify project implementation team within the Secretariat.
- Provide clarifications to the technical queries from the potential bidders.
- Conduct site visits for the bidders in consultation with the project implementation team.
- Present and justify the design and associated costing to the Procurement Committee and the implementation team.
- Assist in the preparation of the Terms of Reference of the tender for the data center.
- Participate in the analysis of the bids received from the bidders (on the technical and financial aspects).
- Supervise and monitor the works of the contracted service providers, provide oversight of project progress and targets and give regular feedback and reports to the COMESA Secretariat.
- Provide data center performance management strategy and metrics.
- Advise on SLA management for the various services that will support the data center.
- Come up with a business and marketing plan so that the data centre can generate income for COMESA.
The Secretariat invites interested qualifies individuals who are seasoned, experienced consultants with hands-on experience in the design and setup of data centers to assist in the design and setup of a new high-level data center at the COMESA Secretariat premises in Lusaka, Zambia.
Click on the link below for more details