Job Description
INTERSOS is an independent non-profit humanitarian organization committed to assist the victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, and respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable and unprotected people.
1. Terms of reference
Job title: Project Manager Child Protection
Location: roving between Ayod, Nyirol, Uror and Akobo county, Jonglei State, South Sudan
Reporting to: Head of Mission
Starting date: June 2016
Duration of contract: 9 months
Dependents: No
2. General context of the project
The project aims at responding to the humanitarian needs of the displaced population in Jonglei State following the conflict which hit South Sudan in December 2013. The intervention proposes to contribute to create a protective environment for the most vulnerable communities, women, children and adolescents in particular, through integrated activities of Family Tracing and Reunification, child protection and education in emergency.
The project is built on the experience gained by INTERSOS in the last 9 years in Jonglei and on the proved technical capacity in the mentioned sectors, as recognized by the humanitarian community in the country.
3. Tasks and responsibilities
The Project Manager is responsible for the proper implementation of all the activities of the project including the finance and admin management. S/he deals, for the project activities with donors and stakeholders and, based on the indications received by the Head of Mission, contributes to define INTERSOS strategy in the country and to develop new projects.
Specifically the Project Manager is responsible to:
· To define the operating processes required to ensure a proper management of the project (roles, procedures, decision making and operating processes, working methodologies) for the national staff in the areas of intervention: Uror, Nyrol, Ayod and Akobo.
· To be responsible for all project documentation up until its conclusion and its delivery to the Head of Mission, obtaining a detailed confirmation receipt of the delivery;
· To be responsible for accurate project administration and to supervise and monitor the preparation of accounting documents for interim and final financial reports required by donors;
· To be responsible for the accuracy of all narrative reports required by donors and by the relevant clusters;
In particular s/he manages the following activities:
· Family Tracing and Reunification services for unaccompanied and separated minors and their placement to temporary foster care and continuous monitoring in Uror and Ayod;
· Recreational activities and Psycho-social support for vulnerable children in 4 Child Friendly Space (CFS) in Lankien (Nyirol), in 1 CFS in Pathai (Uror) an in 2 CFS a Walgak (Akobo West);
· Management of 4 CPHD (Child Protection Help Desks).
· To elaborate, manage and monitor general and monthly planning of project activities while updating the data entered into the PAT, as well as relative economic and financial planning on the basis of available donor funds. In particular, s/he ensures that the project is being implemented following INTERSOS internal policy on Child Protection and follows the technical recommendations of the Program Coordinator for Protection aiming at improving quality of services and maximizing impact;
· S/he ensures an integrated approach between Protection and Education in Emergency sectors, considering the peculiar needs of the victims of gender-based violence;
· S/he develops and organizes the training programs foreseen by the project and in particular: Family Tracing and Reunification (FTR); Training for foster families on the Guidelines for the Alternative Care Systems and on issues related to unaccompanied and separated children; Training on case management, psycho-social support, children’s rights, child protection and GBV; Training on identification and protection of unaccompanied and separated children and referral mechanisms, family separation prevention; Training for Peer Educators;
4. Required profile/experience
· Advanced university degree in political science, international relations, social studies or similar area (a first level university degree with a relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree).
· At least 3 years of professional experience in a multicultural environment, in the humanitarian-recovery-development space.
· Previous international experience is required.
· In-depth understanding and knowledge of protection interventions, including GBV and CPiE response programmes.
· Ability to set high standards for quality of work.
· Ability to manage human and technical resources.
· Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team, communicating effectively.
· Very good knowledge of Microsoft Office suite.
· Good communication skills in English; knowledge of Italian language
Qualified applicants are requested to submit their curriculum vitae, motivation letter and 2 references to:, Specifying in the subject “Project Manager CP_South Sudan”**
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.