
Are you ActionAid Zimbabwe Women in Governance Advisor? NGO Jobs Zimbabwe

ActionAid International Zimbabwe (AAIZ) seeks a highly qualified and experienced professional in POLITICS, GOVERNANCE and LEADERSHIP to support and partner its organization, The Women’s Trust with her work on empowering...
August 2, 2013
Are you ActionAid Zimbabwe Women in Governance Advisor? NGO Jobs Zimbabwe

ActionAid International Zimbabwe (AAIZ) seeks a highly qualified and experienced professional in POLITICS, GOVERNANCE and LEADERSHIP to support and partner its organization, The Women’s Trust with her work on empowering women in leadership development and increasing women’s participation in decision making.

ActionAid is a global movement of people working in 43 countries to further human rights for all and defeat poverty.  In Zimbabwe, ActionAid International Zimbabwe (AAIZ) has a wide spread geographical coverage with presence in over 12 districts.  The Women in Governance Advisor will support The Women’s Trust (TWT) and a few other collaborating women organizations.  The Women’s Trust is a not for profit organization working for empowerment of women in tertiary institutions and rural communities to enable them to participate fully in national development processes.

The Women’s Trust was formed with the realization that while there is already a dynamic and vibrant women’s movement in Zimbabwe, however there remains a gap in relation to enhancing the capacities of women in decision making.  TWT promotes and protects women’s rights through personal empowerment with focus on leadership development and increasing women’s participation in political decision making.  TWT uses a woman empowerment strategy that is consistent with ActionAid’s Human Rights Based Approach.

Key result areas:

  • Support the design of action research to locate women’s rights, leadership and governance gaps within TWT programmes and the partnership with AAZ
  • Review The Women in Leadership and Governance courses and support the design of training materials in women leadership and personal empowerment with the aim of re-engaging tertiary institutions.
  • Support innovative women empowerment initiatives and guide the implementation of an elaborate mobilization strategy aimed at championing women participation in political processes
  • Conduct group training and provide individual coaching session to empower key women leaders ( across age cohorts, gender, geographical location and social exclusion)  in governance and  public administration  skills for use in political processes
  • Assist TWT with strategy development for mobilizing a critical mass of young women at tertiary level to take up leadership roles in public office and demand accountability from their student representative council and their senate.
  • Identify and target for collaboration, women in public offices and aim to develop their capacity in applying gender responsiveness and approaches to issues of leadership, management and governance
  • Support ActionAid Zimbabwe LRP Coordinators to integrate women programs into their annual plans; and put in place mechanisms that promote mainstreaming of women issues at local and national levels
  • Assist in mobilising resources, designing proposals as well as identifying and responding to calls.

Professional experience and qualifications:

  • Minimum of 5 years relevant work experience in governance, public administration, governance and local authority management
  • Minimum of 3 years work experience in training and leadership grooming in East or Southern Africa would be an advantage
  • Experience of working with International NGOs, Government Institutions and donor agencies essential, especially the knowledge of their decision making processes
  • Familiarity with individual mentorship and women organizational capacity building support mechanism is essential, especially that related to political leadership
  • Retired senior civil servants and highly experienced in leadership/governance or former political office bearers from East and Southern Africa with practical experience in political participation have an added advantage
  • Experience with multi-layered governance programming that links women participation in leadership and national political processes is an advantage
  • Knowledge and experience in fundraising is essential



All applications must include a letter of motivation and an updated CV should be forwarded by email to: advisor1@ms.dk with a subject line:  Women in Governance Advisor.  It is a must to have four referees and an indication where you saw the advertisement for this position.


The Women in Governance Advisor is placed through ActionAid Denmark’s People4Change program; a people-to-people programme providing development support to ActionAid Country Programs and there partner organisations.  As People4Change is a cross-national program, aiming at building tolerance, respect and expertise across cultures and borders, this position is not available for permanent residents of Zimbabwe.  If you are a permanent resident of Zimbabwe and find this job interesting, you are encouraged to apply for similar Advisor placements in other countries as regularly advertised at: www.actionaid.org

  • August 19th                          Shortlisted candidates are contacted
  • August 26th                          Phone/SKYPE interviews with shortlisted candidates
  • August 30th                          Face-to-Face interviews at AAIZ main office in Harare, Zimbabwe

Due to the large number of applications received for these positions, it may not be possible to provide feedback to all applicants.  Only shortlisted candidates will be notified at each stage of the recruitment.

Contract start is subject to approval of work permit. The assignment is for 24 months, with the possibility for renewal. The Advisor is expected to participate in a face-to-face Human Rights Based Approach training in Tanzania in November; therefore the starting date is non-negotiable beyond 1st November 2013.

More Information

A comprehensive job description (JD) is Attached. The JD includes information about the job content, salary, and background for the placement.  All interested candidates are recommended to go through the job description before applying. For more information on the People4Change program, please visit the ActionAid Denmark website: www.actionaid.dk  For information on ActionAid International Zimbabwe, please visit: www.actionaid.org/zimbabwe

For further practical questions related the advertised position, please contact:



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