Expression of Interest:
Category of items: Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health
Date of the REOI: 23 January 2017
Closing Date for receipt of EOI: 10 February 2017
Reference: EOI/UNFPA/ASRH/01/2017
UNFPA is in the process of identifying a potential implementing partner/s for the implementation of a program aimed at increasing availability and access to SRHR, HIV and GBV information and services in tertiary institutions. .
The main outcomes of the program will include
- Increasing young people’s knowledge and skills towards adoption of protective sexual and reproductive health behaviors
- Advocacy for and provision of quality integrated SRHR, HIV and GBV youth friendly services for young people in tertiary institutions
- Promote young peoples’ leadership and participation in national and regional development processes
Procedure for submission of EOI:
Interested organizations are encouraged to submit expression of interest in a sealed envelope marked EOI/UNFPA/ASRH/01/ 2017 to the address indicated below.
Attention: Procurement
UNFPA Zimbabwe
Arundel Office Park
Block 7, 1st Floor Norfolk Road
Mt Pleasant, Harare
The expression of interest should include the following:
– Full legal name and address of applying institution
– Copy of valid legal registration in the country
– Mandate or mission statement of organization
– Statement of organization’s expertise in the relevant area
– Short description of the organization’s existing operations in the subject matter area, including how long the operations have been carried out.
Those interested in participating in the planned selection process should forward their expression of interest no later than 10 February 2017.
Upon receipt of the above information from prospective implementing partners, UNFPA will evaluate and pre-assess applicants.
Those candidates having fulfilled the criteria listed above will be invited to submit their formal proposals for how they would carry out UNFPA programme requirements if selected to be the implementing partner.
A more detailed description of the scope of work will be provided to those candidates that have been pre-selected by UNFPA to submit formal proposals.
(a) This is not a request for applications. Only simple expression of interest should be submitted at this stage.
(b) Budget submission is not required at this stage. UNFPA is seeking to identify organizations interested in participating in a future bid.
(c) Due to the high volume of communications, UNFPA is not in a position to confirm receipt of EOIs.
(d) This EOI does not constitute a solicitation. UNFPA reserves the right to change or cancel the requirement at any time during the EOI and/or solicitation process. UNFPA also reserves the right to require compliance with additional conditions as and when issuing the final solicitation document. Submitting a reply to an EOI does not automatically guarantee receipt of the solicitation when issued.
– See more at: