
Technical Specialist job vacancy-South Africa 2016

Chemonics seeks Technical specialists for the anticipated USAID Southern Africa Energy Project (SAEP). The specialists will work in partnership with USAID to increase electricity availability and access in Southern Africa...
Posted in 2016 jobs
April 5, 2016

Chemonics seeks Technical specialists for the anticipated USAID Southern Africa Energy Project (SAEP). The specialists will work in partnership with USAID to increase electricity availability and access in Southern Africa by facilitating transactions and strengthening the enabling environment for private sector investment in the power sector. The project aims to address for key areas to improve the investment environment: regulation, planning, and procurement for energy; commercial viability of utilities; demonstrated and scaled renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies; and institutional and human resource capacity for energy resource management. We are looking for people who have a passion for making a difference in the lives of people around the world.

We seek specialists in the following technical disciplines:

Engineers: engineering assessment, design, and costing of power projects; natural gas resource generation
Finance specialists: financial analysis; financial assessment, modeling, and structuring of privately financed power arrangements; tariff analysis and modeling; energy transaction support
Economists: feasibility analysis of power projects; tariff analysis and structuring
Legal specialists: legal structuring and negotiation of private power projects and power purchase agreements; legal frameworks for private sector provision of infrastructure; structuring a negotiation of regional power market agreements
Regulatory specialists: regulatory policies and procedures for sector and economic regulation of power markets and service providers
Off-grid and rural electrification specialists: small-scale transactions, mini-grid development, solar market development, biomass and biogas, small hydro
Renewable energy and sustainability specialists: energy efficiency, climate change, hydro, wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, fuel cell, or mini-grid
Transaction advisors: regional and international investment expertise, structuring/execution and post-deal maintenance of various power sector transactions, power sector reform issues
Gender specialist: expertise developing technical and gender capacity building plans and strategies; supporting multinational/regional activities in coordination with partner institutions; subject matter expertise in energy, environment, engineering, and/or climate change adaptation

University degree in business, engineering, public policy, development economics, international development, or energy-related discipline; advanced degrees preferred
Minimum 10 years of international experience in power and other infrastructure development and mobilizing private finance for the energy sector
Minimum five years of experience adapting to public policy and regulatory reform in developing countries; Africa experience preferred
Fluency in English required Chemonics is also recruiting for experienced project support professionals:

Logistics and procurement

Finance and operations
Monitoring and evaluation
Knowledge management
Send electronic submissions to southernafricaenergyrecruit@chemonics.com by April 12, 2016. Please include Technical specialists in the subject line. No telephone inquiries, please. Finalists will be contacted.

In addition, please download and complete Chemonics’ equal employment opportunity self-identification form and submit it separately to EEOselfidentify@chemonics.com with only “Technical specialists – Southern Africa Energy Project (SAEP​” in the subject line. If you prefer not to disclose your sex, race, or ethnicity, you may check “I do not wish to complete the information requested.” Thank you for completing the form and supporting our equal employment opportunity reporting requirements.

​​​​Chemonics is an equal opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, protected veteran status, genetic information, age, or other legally protected characteristics.​​



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