
Vice Chancellor vacancy NUST-Zimbabwe 2016

Date Posted: Tuesday, 01 March 2016 Industry: Admin, Office & Support Employment Type: Permanent Location: Bulawayo Description The Vice-Chancellor is the Chief Executive Officer of the University in terms of...
March 1, 2016

Date Posted: Tuesday, 01 March 2016
Industry: Admin, Office & Support
Employment Type: Permanent
Location: Bulawayo


The Vice-Chancellor is the Chief Executive Officer of the University in terms of the University Act and reports to the University Council. Subject. to the general control of the Council, the Vice-Chancellor is the chief academic, administrative anc disciplinary officer of the University, with general responsibility for maintaining and promoting the efficiency, effectiveness  and good order of the University. HelShe is responsible for initiating, recommending and monitoring policies, systems and procedures dealing with all academic, research and development and administrative issues of the University. The mandate of the National University of Science and Technology is the advancement of knowledge with special bias towards the diffusion and extension of science and technoloqy through teaching, research and learninq, thus effectively promoting Science, Technology, Engineering and .Mathematics (STEM) education.
The University seeks an individual of high personal and professional integrity and with a distinguished record of accomplishment in Higher Education or relevant professional field. An earned Doctorate Degree and demonstrated
analytical and administrative ability is essential. The candidate must have the ability to lead the University towards meeting its mandate within reasonable short time.
The candidate must have at least ten (10) years relevant experience at a Senior Management level in Tertiary and Higher Education or related field; be an accomplished academic with a proven track record in Higher Education Management and be able to give innovative leadership in a diverse academic institution. The successful candidate will be appointed on a five (5) year performance-related renewable contract.
The successful candidate should demonstrate the following key competencies and attributes:.
•    Visionary leadership capable of interpreting and implementing the University Mandate within the broader context of the national agenda.
•    Demonstrated ability to meet challenges of a science and technology biased institution within a complex macro and micro economic environment.
•    Demonstrated competencies,’ skills and progressive attitude for effective articulation of the University’s Vision, Mission and Core Values.
•    Ability to foster strategic partnership and harmonious working relationships between and among various University Stakeholders, staff, students, public and private organisations.
•    Technical appreciation and understanding of the University financing, innovative administrative controls, budgeting, planning and investment analysis.
•    Ability to negotiate dynamic linkages with local and international institutions regarding instructional resources and information technology for all administrative activities of the University.
•    Innovative abilities to initiate, develop and maintain strategies in Entrepreneurship Information Technology, Financial Management and Human Capital Development that will propel the University to higher levels.
•    Ability to generate financial support from both private and public sectors.
•    Demonstrated capacity to provide organisational guidance in a culturally diverse environment.
•    Ability to identify, develop and commercialise emerging technologies for sustainable development of the economy.

Ability to match the University’s Research and Development (R & D) outputs to the needs of commerce, industry and the

country at large.
•    Expected command of expert knowledge of developments and challenges in higher education intemationally.




Medical Aid, Leave and Pension benefits are offered. Information on salary and other benefits will be disclosed to short- listed candidates.
Applicants must submit six sets of applications, certified copies of birth and academic certificates and a Curriculum Vitae giving full personal particulars including full name, place and date of birth, qualifications, experience, present salary, date of availability, contact details, names and ernail addresses of three contactable referees addressed to:
The Chairman of Council
Clo The Registrar
National Universjty of Science and Technology
PO BoxAC 939
Tel: +2639284890/289057
Fax:+263 9 289057
Email:  fidelis.mhlanga[at]nust.ac.zw
The closing date for receipt of applications is 30 March 2016

Please Register to apply online.



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